chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.5.0 #14

renovate-bot wants to merge 1 commits from renovate/ruff-0.x into main

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
ruff (source, changelog) tool.hatch.envs.lint minor ==0.2.2 -> ==0.5.0

Release Notes

astral-sh/ruff (ruff)


Compare Source

Check out the blog post for a migration guide and overview of the changes!

Breaking changes

See also, the "Remapped rules" section which may result in disabled rules.

  • Follow the XDG specification to discover user-level configurations on macOS (same as on other Unix platforms)
  • Selecting ALL now excludes deprecated rules
  • The released archives now include an extra level of nesting, which can be removed with --strip-components=1 when untarring.
  • The release artifact's file name no longer includes the version tag. This enables users to install via /latest URLs on GitHub.

The following rules are now deprecated:

Remapped rules

The following rules have been remapped to new rule codes:


The following rules have been stabilized and are no longer in preview:

The following behaviors have been stabilized:


The following deprecated settings have been removed:

  • output-format=text; use output-format=concise or output-format=full
  • tab-size; use indent-width

The following deprecated CLI options have been removed:

  • --show-source; use --output-format=full
  • --no-show-source; use --output-format=concise

The following deprecated CLI commands have been removed:

  • ruff <path>; use ruff check <path>
  • ruff --clean; use ruff clean
  • ruff --generate-shell-completion; use ruff generate-shell-completion
Preview features
  • `ruff`] Add `assert-with-print-message` rule ([#&#8203;11981](
  • Use rule name rather than message in --statistics (#​11697)
  • Use the output format full by default (#​12010)
  • Don't log syntax errors to the console (#​11902)
Rule changes
  • `ruff`] Fix false positives if `gettext` is imported using an alias (`RUF027`) ([#&#8203;12025](
  • `npy`] Update `trapz` and `in1d` deprecation (`NPY201`) ([#&#8203;11948](
  • `flake8-bandit`] Modify diagnostic ranges for shell-related rules ([#&#8203;10667](
  • Closing an untitled, unsaved notebook document no longer throws an error (#​11942)
  • Support the usage of tildes and environment variables in logFile (#​11945)
  • Add option to configure whether to show syntax errors (#​12059)
Bug fixes
  • `pycodestyle`] Avoid `E203` for f-string debug expression ([#&#8203;12024](
  • `pep8-naming`] Match import-name ignores against both name and alias (`N812`, `N817`) ([#&#8203;12033](
  • `pyflakes`] Detect assignments that shadow definitions (`F811`) ([#&#8203;11961](
  • Emit a syntax error for an empty type parameter list (#​12030)
  • Avoid consuming the newline for unterminated strings (#​12067)
  • Do not include the newline in the unterminated string range (#​12017)
  • Use the correct range to highlight line continuation errors (#​12016)
  • Consider 2-character EOL before line continuations (#​12035)
  • Consider line continuation character for re-lexing (#​12008)
Other changes
  • Upgrade the Unicode table used for measuring the line-length (#​11194)
  • Remove the deprecation error message for the nursery selector (#​10172)


Compare Source

  • Implement re-lexing logic for better error recovery (#​11845)
Rule changes
  • `flake8-copyright`] Update `CPY001` to check the first 4096 bytes instead of 1024 ([#&#8203;11927](
  • `pycodestyle`] Update `E999` to show all syntax errors instead of just the first one ([#&#8203;11900](
  • Add tracing setup guide to Helix documentation (#​11883)
  • Add tracing setup guide to Neovim documentation (#​11884)
  • Defer notebook cell deletion to avoid an error message (#​11864)
  • Guard against malicious ecosystem comment artifacts (#​11879)


Compare Source

Preview features
  • `pylint`] Implement `consider-dict-items` (`C0206`) ([#&#8203;11688](
  • `refurb`] Implement `repeated-global` (`FURB154`) ([#&#8203;11187](
Rule changes
  • `pycodestyle`] Adapt fix for `E203` to work identical to `ruff format` ([#&#8203;10999](
  • Fix formatter instability for lines only consisting of zero-width characters (#​11748)
  • Add supported commands in server capabilities (#​11850)
  • Use real file path when available in ruff server (#​11800)
  • Improve error message when a command is run on an unavailable document (#​11823)
  • Introduce the ruff.printDebugInformation command (#​11831)
  • Tracing system now respects log level and trace level, with options to log to a file (#​11747)
  • Handle non-printable characters in diff view (#​11687)
Bug fixes
  • `refurb`] Avoid suggesting starmap when arguments are used outside call (`FURB140`) ([#&#8203;11830](
  • `flake8-bugbear`] Avoid panic in `B909` when checking large loop blocks ([#&#8203;11772](
  • `refurb`] Fix misbehavior of `operator.itemgetter` when getter param is a tuple (`FURB118`) ([#&#8203;11774](


Compare Source

  • Linter performance has been improved by around 10% on some microbenchmarks by refactoring the lexer and parser to maintain synchronicity between them (#​11457)
Preview features
  • `flake8-bugbear`] Implement `return-in-generator` (`B901`) ([#&#8203;11644](
  • `flake8-pyi`] Implement `PYI063` ([#&#8203;11699](
  • `pygrep_hooks`] Check blanket ignores via file-level pragmas (`PGH004`) ([#&#8203;11540](
Rule changes
  • `pyupgrade`] Update `UP035` for Python 3.13 and the latest version of `typing_extensions` ([#&#8203;11693](
  • `numpy`] Update `NPY001` rule for NumPy 2.0 ([#&#8203;11735](
  • Formatting a document with syntax problems no longer spams a visible error popup (#​11745)
  • Add RDJson support for --output-format flag (#​11682)
Bug fixes
  • `pyupgrade`] Write empty string in lieu of panic when fixing `UP032` ([#&#8203;11696](
  • `flake8-simplify`] Simplify double negatives in `SIM103` ([#&#8203;11684](
  • Ensure the expression generator adds a newline before type statements (#​11720)
  • Respect per-file ignores for blanket and redirected noqa rules (#​11728)


Compare Source

Preview features
  • `flake8-pyi`] Implement `PYI064` ([#&#8203;11325](
  • `flake8-pyi`] Implement `PYI066` ([#&#8203;11541](
  • `flake8-pyi`] Implement `PYI057` ([#&#8203;11486](
  • `pyflakes`] Enable `F822` in `` files by default ([#&#8203;11370](
  • Fix incorrect placement of trailing stub function comments (#​11632)
  • Respect file exclusions in ruff server (#​11590)
  • Add support for documents not exist on disk (#​11588)
  • Add Vim and Kate setup guide for ruff server (#​11615)
Bug fixes
  • Avoid removing newlines between docstring headers and rST blocks (#​11609)
  • Infer indentation with imports when logical indent is absent (#​11608)
  • Use char index rather than position for indent slice (#​11645)
  • `flake8-comprehension`] Strip parentheses around generators in `C400` ([#&#8203;11607](
  • Mark repeated-isinstance-calls as unsafe on Python 3.10 and later (#​11622)


Compare Source

Breaking changes
  • Use project-relative paths when calculating GitLab fingerprints (#​11532)
  • Bump minimum supported Windows version to Windows 10 (#​11613)
Preview features
  • `flake8-async`] Sleep with >24 hour interval should usually sleep forever (`ASYNC116`) ([#&#8203;11498](
Rule changes
  • `numpy`] Add missing functions to NumPy 2.0 migration rule ([#&#8203;11528](
  • `mccabe`] Consider irrefutable pattern similar to `if .. else` for `C901` ([#&#8203;11565](
  • Consider match-case statements for C901, PLR0912, and PLR0915 (#​11521)
  • Remove empty strings when converting to f-string (UP032) (#​11524)
  • `flake8-bandit`] `request-without-timeout` should warn for `requests.request` ([#&#8203;11548](
  • `flake8-self`] Ignore sunder accesses in `flake8-self` rules ([#&#8203;11546](
  • `pyupgrade`] Lint for `TypeAliasType` usages (`UP040`) ([#&#8203;11530](
  • Respect excludes in ruff server configuration discovery (#​11551)
  • Use default settings if initialization options is empty or not provided (#​11566)
  • ruff server correctly treats .pyi files as stub files (#​11535)
  • ruff server searches for configuration in parent directories (#​11537)
  • ruff server: An empty code action filter no longer returns notebook source actions (#​11526)
Bug fixes
  • `flake8-logging-format`] Fix autofix title in `logging-warn` (`G010`) ([#&#8203;11514](
  • `refurb`] Avoid recommending `operator.itemgetter` with dependence on lambda arguments ([#&#8203;11574](
  • `flake8-simplify`] Avoid recommending context manager in `__enter__` implementations ([#&#8203;11575](
  • Create intermediary directories for --output-file (#​11550)
  • Propagate reads on global variables (#​11584)
  • Treat all singledispatch arguments as runtime-required (#​11523)


Compare Source

Ruff's language server is now in Beta

v0.4.5 marks the official Beta release of ruff server, an integrated language server built into Ruff.
ruff server supports the same feature set as ruff-lsp, powering linting, formatting, and
code fixes in Ruff's editor integrations -- but with superior performance and
no installation required. We'd love your feedback!

You can enable ruff server in the VS Code extension today.

To read more about this exciting milestone, check out our blog post!

Rule changes
  • `flake8-future-annotations`] Reword `future-rewritable-type-annotation` (`FA100`) message ([#&#8203;11381](
  • `isort`] Expanded the set of standard-library modules to include `_string`, etc. ([#&#8203;11374](
  • `pycodestyle`] Consider soft keywords for `E27` rules ([#&#8203;11446](
  • `pyflakes`] Recommend adding unused import bindings to `__all__` ([#&#8203;11314](
  • `pyflakes`] Update documentation and deprecate `ignore_init_module_imports` ([#&#8203;11436](
  • `pyupgrade`] Mark quotes as unnecessary for non-evaluated annotations ([#&#8203;11485](
  • Avoid multiline quotes warning with quote-style = preserve (#​11490)
  • Support Jupyter Notebook files (#​11206)
  • Support noqa comment code actions (#​11276)
  • Fix automatic configuration reloading (#​11492)
  • Fix several issues with configuration in Neovim and Helix (#​11497)
  • Add --output-format as a CLI option for ruff config (#​11438)
Bug fixes
  • Avoid PLE0237 for property with setter (#​11377)
  • Avoid TCH005 for if stmt with elif/else block (#​11376)
  • Avoid flagging __future__ annotations as required for non-evaluated type annotations (#​11414)
  • Check for ruff executable in 'bin' directory as installed by 'pip install --target'. (#​11450)
  • Sort edits prior to deduplicating in quotation fix (#​11452)
  • Treat escaped newline as valid sequence (#​11465)
  • `flake8-pie`] Preserve parentheses in `unnecessary-dict-kwargs` ([#&#8203;11372](
  • `pylint`] Ignore `__slots__` with dynamic values ([#&#8203;11488](
  • `pylint`] Remove `try` body from branch counting ([#&#8203;11487](
  • `refurb`] Respect operator precedence in `FURB110` ([#&#8203;11464](
  • Add --preview to the README (#​11395)
  • Add Python 3.13 to list of allowed Python versions (#​11411)
  • Simplify Neovim setup documentation (#​11489)
  • Update to reflect the new parser (#​11434)
  • Update server documentation with new migration guide (#​11499)
  • `pycodestyle`] Clarify motivation for `E713` and `E714` ([#&#8203;11483](
  • `pyflakes`] Update docs to describe WAI behavior (F541) ([#&#8203;11362](
  • `pylint`] Clearly indicate what is counted as a branch ([#&#8203;11423](


Compare Source

Preview features
  • `pycodestyle`] Ignore end-of-line comments when determining blank line rules ([#&#8203;11342](
  • `pylint`] Detect `` calls in `unspecified-encoding` (`PLW1514`)  ([#&#8203;11288](
  • `flake8-pyi`] Implement `PYI059` (`generic-not-last-base-class`) ([#&#8203;11233](
  • `flake8-pyi`] Implement `PYI062` (`duplicate-literal-member`) ([#&#8203;11269](
Rule changes
  • `flake8-boolean-trap`] Allow passing booleans as positional-only arguments in code such as `set(True)` ([#&#8203;11287](
  • `flake8-bugbear`] Ignore enum classes in `cached-instance-method` (`B019`) ([#&#8203;11312](
  • Expand tildes when resolving Ruff server configuration file (#​11283)
  • Fix ruff server hanging after Neovim closes (#​11291)
  • Editor settings are used by default if no file-based configuration exists (#​11266)
Bug fixes
  • `pylint`] Consider `with` statements for `too-many-branches` (`PLR0912`) ([#&#8203;11321](
  • `flake8-blind-except`, `tryceratops`] Respect logged and re-raised expressions in nested statements (`BLE001`, `TRY201`) ([#&#8203;11301](
  • Recognise assignments such as __all__ = builtins.list(["foo", "bar"]) as valid __all__ definitions (#​11335)


Compare Source

Preview features
  • `refurb`] Use function range for `reimplemented-operator` diagnostics ([#&#8203;11271](
  • `refurb`] Ignore methods in `reimplemented-operator` (`FURB118`) ([#&#8203;11270](
  • `refurb`] Implement `fstring-number-format` (`FURB116`) ([#&#8203;10921](
  • `ruff`] Implement `redirected-noqa` (`RUF101`) ([#&#8203;11052](
  • `pyflakes`] Distinguish between first-party and third-party imports for fix suggestions ([#&#8203;11168](
Rule changes
  • `flake8-bugbear`] Ignore non-abstract class attributes when enforcing `B024` ([#&#8203;11210](
  • `flake8-logging`] Include inline instantiations when detecting loggers ([#&#8203;11154](
  • `pylint`] Also emit `PLR0206` for properties with variadic parameters ([#&#8203;11200](
  • `ruff`] Detect duplicate codes as part of `unused-noqa` (`RUF100`) ([#&#8203;10850](
  • Avoid multiline expression if format specifier is present (#​11123)
  • Write ruff server setup guide for Helix (#​11183)
  • ruff server no longer hangs after shutdown (#​11222)
  • ruff server reads from a configuration TOML file in the user configuration directory if no local configuration exists (#​11225)
  • ruff server respects per-file-ignores configuration (#​11224)
  • ruff server: Support a custom TOML configuration file (#​11140)
  • ruff server: Support setting to prioritize project configuration over editor configuration (#​11086)
Bug fixes
  • Avoid debug assertion around NFKC renames (#​11249)
  • `pyflakes`] Prioritize `redefined-while-unused` over `unused-import` ([#&#8203;11173](
  • `ruff`] Respect `async` expressions in comprehension bodies ([#&#8203;11219](
  • `pygrep_hooks`] Fix `blanket-noqa` panic when last line has noqa with no newline (`PGH004`) ([#&#8203;11108](
  • `perflint`] Ignore list-copy recommendations for async `for` loops ([#&#8203;11250](
  • `pyflakes`] Improve `invalid-print-syntax` documentation ([#&#8203;11171](
  • Avoid allocations for isort module names (#​11251)
  • Build a separate ARM wheel for macOS (#​11149)
  • Increase the minimum requirement to Windows 10.


Compare Source

Rule changes
  • `flake8-pyi`] Allow for overloaded `__exit__` and `__aexit__` definitions (`PYI036`) ([#&#8203;11057](
  • `pyupgrade`] Catch usages of `"%s" % var` and provide an unsafe fix (`UP031`) ([#&#8203;11019](
  • `refurb`] Implement new rule that suggests min/max over `sorted()` (`FURB192`) ([#&#8203;10868](
  • Fix an issue with missing diagnostics for Neovim and Helix (#​11092)
  • Implement hover documentation for noqa codes (#​11096)
  • Introduce common Ruff configuration options with new server settings (#​11062)
Bug fixes
  • Use macos-12 for building release wheels to enable macOS 11 compatibility (#​11146)
  • `flake8-blind-expect`] Allow raise from in `BLE001` ([#&#8203;11131](
  • `flake8-pyi`] Allow simple assignments to `None` in enum class scopes (`PYI026`) ([#&#8203;11128](
  • `flake8-simplify`] Avoid raising `SIM911` for non-`zip` attribute calls ([#&#8203;11126](
  • `refurb`] Avoid `operator.itemgetter` suggestion for single-item tuple ([#&#8203;11095](
  • `ruff`] Respect per-file-ignores for `RUF100` with no other diagnostics ([#&#8203;11058](
  • `ruff`] Fix async comprehension false positive (`RUF029`) ([#&#8203;11070](
  • `flake8-bugbear`] Document explicitly disabling strict zip (`B905`) ([#&#8203;11040](
  • `flake8-type-checking`] Mention `lint.typing-modules` in `TCH001`, `TCH002`, and `TCH003` ([#&#8203;11144](
  • `isort`] Improve documentation around custom `isort` sections ([#&#8203;11050](
  • `pylint`] Fix documentation oversight for `invalid-X-returns` ([#&#8203;11094](
  • Use matchit to resolve per-file settings (#​11111)


Compare Source

  • Implement re-lexing logic for better error recovery (#​11845)
Rule changes
  • `flake8-copyright`] Update `CPY001` to check the first 4096 bytes instead of 1024 ([#&#8203;11927](
  • `pycodestyle`] Update `E999` to show all syntax errors instead of just the first one ([#&#8203;11900](
  • Add tracing setup guide to Helix documentation (#​11883)
  • Add tracing setup guide to Neovim documentation (#​11884)
  • Defer notebook cell deletion to avoid an error message (#​11864)
  • Guard against malicious ecosystem comment artifacts (#​11879)


Compare Source

A new, hand-written parser

Ruff's new parser is >2x faster, which translates to a 20-40% speedup for all linting and formatting invocations.
There's a lot to say about this exciting change, so check out the blog post for more details!

See #​10036 for implementation details.

A new language server in Rust

With this release, we also want to highlight our new language server. ruff server is a Rust-powered language
server that comes built-in with Ruff. It can be used with any editor that supports the Language Server Protocol (LSP).
It uses a multi-threaded, lock-free architecture inspired by rust-analyzer and it will open the door for a lot
of exciting features. It’s also faster than our previous Python-based language server
-- but you probably guessed that already.

ruff server is only in alpha, but it has a lot of features that you can try out today:

  • Lints Python files automatically and shows quick-fixes when available
  • Formats Python files, with support for range formatting
  • Comes with commands for quickly performing actions: ruff.applyAutofix, ruff.applyFormat, and ruff.applyOrganizeImports
  • Supports source.fixAll and source.organizeImports source actions
  • Automatically reloads your project configuration when you change it

To setup ruff server with your editor, refer to the

Preview features
  • `pycodestyle`] Do not trigger `E3` rules on `def`s following a function/method with a dummy body ([#&#8203;10704](
  • `pylint`] Implement `invalid-bytes-returned` (`E0308`) ([#&#8203;10959](
  • `pylint`] Implement `invalid-length-returned` (`E0303`) ([#&#8203;10963](
  • `pylint`] Implement `self-cls-assignment` (`W0642`) ([#&#8203;9267](
  • `pylint`] Omit stubs from `invalid-bool` and `invalid-str-return-type` ([#&#8203;11008](
  • `ruff`] New rule `unused-async` (`RUF029`) to detect unneeded `async` keywords on functions ([#&#8203;9966](
Rule changes
  • `flake8-bandit`] Allow `urllib.request.urlopen` calls with static `Request` argument (`S310`) ([#&#8203;10964](
  • `flake8-bugbear`] Treat `raise NotImplemented`-only bodies as stub functions (`B006`) ([#&#8203;10990](
  • `flake8-slots`] Respect same-file `Enum` subclasses (`SLOT000`) ([#&#8203;11006](
  • `pylint`] Support inverted comparisons (`PLR1730`) ([#&#8203;10920](
  • Improve handling of builtin symbols in linter rules (#​10919)
  • Improve display of rules in --show-settings (#​11003)
  • Improve inference capabilities of the BuiltinTypeChecker (#​10976)
  • Resolve classes and functions relative to script name (#​10965)
  • Improve performance of RuleTable::any_enabled (#​10971)

This section is devoted to updates for our new language server, written in Rust.

  • Enable ruff-specific source actions (#​10916)
  • Refreshes diagnostics for open files when file configuration is changed (#​10988)
  • Important errors are now shown as popups (#​10951)
  • Introduce settings for directly configuring the linter and formatter (#​10984)
  • Resolve configuration for each document individually (#​10950)
  • Write a setup guide for Neovim (#​10987)
  • Add RUFF_OUTPUT_FILE environment variable support (#​10992)
Bug fixes
  • Avoid non-augmented-assignment for reversed, non-commutative operators (PLR6104) (#​10909)
  • Limit commutative non-augmented-assignments to primitive data types (PLR6104) (#​10912)
  • Respect per-file-ignores for RUF100 on blanket # noqa (#​10908)
  • Consider if expression for parenthesized with items parsing (#​11010)
  • Consider binary expr for parenthesized with items parsing (#​11012)
  • Reset FOR_TARGET context for all kinds of parentheses (#​11009)


Compare Source

Preview features
  • `flake8-bugbear`] Implement `loop-iterator-mutation` (`B909`) ([#&#8203;9578](
  • `pylint`] Implement rule to prefer augmented assignment (`PLR6104`) ([#&#8203;9932](
Bug fixes
  • Avoid TOCTOU errors in cache initialization (#​10884)
  • `pylint`] Recode `nan-comparison` rule to `W0177` ([#&#8203;10894](
  • `pylint`] Reverse min-max logic in `if-stmt-min-max` ([#&#8203;10890](


Compare Source

Preview features
  • `pylint`] Implement `bad-staticmethod-argument` (`PLW0211`) ([#&#8203;10781](
  • `pylint`] Implement `if-stmt-min-max` (`PLR1730`, `PLR1731`) ([#&#8203;10002](
  • `pyupgrade`] Replace `str,Enum` multiple inheritance with `StrEnum` `UP042` ([#&#8203;10713](
  • `refurb`] Implement `if-expr-instead-of-or-operator` (`FURB110`) ([#&#8203;10687](
  • `refurb`] Implement `int-on-sliced-str` (`FURB166`) ([#&#8203;10650](
  • `refurb`] Implement `write-whole-file` (`FURB103`) ([#&#8203;10802](
  • `refurb`] Support `itemgetter` in `reimplemented-operator` (`FURB118`) ([#&#8203;10526](
  • `flake8_comprehensions`] Add `sum`/`min`/`max` to unnecessary comprehension check (`C419`) ([#&#8203;10759](
Rule changes
  • `pydocstyle`] Require capitalizing docstrings where the first sentence is a single word (`D403`) ([#&#8203;10776](
  • `pycodestyle`] Ignore annotated lambdas in class scopes (`E731`) ([#&#8203;10720](
  • `flake8-pyi`] Various improvements to PYI034 ([#&#8203;10807](
  • `flake8-slots`] Flag subclasses of call-based `typing.NamedTuple`s as well as subclasses of `collections.namedtuple()` (`SLOT002`) ([#&#8203;10808](
  • `pyflakes`] Allow forward references in class bases in stub files (`F821`) ([#&#8203;10779](
  • `pygrep-hooks`] Improve `blanket-noqa` error message (`PGH004`) ([#&#8203;10851](
  • Support negated patterns in [extend-]per-file-ignores (#​10852)
Bug fixes
  • `flake8-import-conventions`] Accept non-aliased (but correct) import in `unconventional-import-alias` (`ICN001`) ([#&#8203;10729](
  • `flake8-quotes`] Add semantic model flag when inside f-string replacement field ([#&#8203;10766](
  • `pep8-naming`] Recursively resolve `TypeDicts` for N815 violations ([#&#8203;10719](
  • `flake8-quotes`] Respect `Q00*` ignores in `flake8-quotes` rules ([#&#8203;10728](
  • `flake8-simplify`] Show negated condition in `needless-bool` diagnostics (`SIM103`) ([#&#8203;10854](
  • `ruff`] Use within-scope shadowed bindings in `asyncio-dangling-task` (`RUF006`) ([#&#8203;10793](
  • `flake8-pytest-style`] Fix single-tuple conversion in `pytest-parametrize-values-wrong-type` (`PT007`) ([#&#8203;10862](
  • `flake8-return`] Ignore assignments to annotated variables in `unnecessary-assign` (`RET504`) ([#&#8203;10741](
  • `refurb`] Do not allow any keyword arguments for `read-whole-file` in `rb` mode (`FURB101`) ([#&#8203;10803](
  • `pylint`] Don't recommend decorating staticmethods with `@singledispatch` (`PLE1519`, `PLE1520`) ([#&#8203;10637](
  • `pydocstyle`] Use section name range for all section-related docstring diagnostics ([#&#8203;10740](
  • Respect # noqa directives on __all__ openers (#​10798)


Compare Source

Preview features
  • `pylint`] Implement `modified-iterating-set` (`E4703`) ([#&#8203;10473](
  • `refurb`] Implement `for-loop-set-mutations` (`FURB142`) ([#&#8203;10583](
  • `refurb`] Implement `unnecessary-from-float` (`FURB164`) ([#&#8203;10647](
  • `refurb`] Implement `verbose-decimal-constructor` (`FURB157`) ([#&#8203;10533](
Rule changes
  • `flake8-comprehensions`] Handled special case for `C401` which also matches `C416` ([#&#8203;10596](
  • `flake8-pyi`] Mark `unaliased-collections-abc-set-import` fix as "safe" for more cases in stub files (`PYI025`) ([#&#8203;10547](
  • `numpy`] Add `row_stack` to NumPy 2.0 migration rule ([#&#8203;10646](
  • `pycodestyle`] Allow cell magics before an import (`E402`) ([#&#8203;10545](
  • `pycodestyle`] Avoid blank line rules for the first logical line in cell ([#&#8203;10291](
  • Respected nested namespace packages (#​10541)
  • `flake8-boolean-trap`] Add setting for user defined allowed boolean trap ([#&#8203;10531](
Bug fixes
  • Correctly handle references in __all__ definitions when renaming symbols in autofixes (#​10527)
  • Track ranges of names inside __all__ definitions (#​10525)
  • `flake8-bugbear`] Avoid false positive for usage after `continue` (`B031`) ([#&#8203;10539](
  • `flake8-copyright`] Accept commas in default copyright pattern ([#&#8203;9498](
  • `flake8-datetimez`] Allow f-strings with `%z` for `DTZ007` ([#&#8203;10651](
  • `flake8-pytest-style`] Fix `PT014` autofix for last item in list ([#&#8203;10532](
  • `flake8-quotes`] Ignore `Q000`, `Q001` when string is inside forward ref ([#&#8203;10585](
  • `isort`] Always place non-relative imports after relative imports ([#&#8203;10669](
  • `isort`] Respect Unicode characters in import sorting ([#&#8203;10529](
  • `pyflakes`] Fix F821 false negatives when `from __future__ import annotations` is active (attempt 2) ([#&#8203;10524](
  • `pyflakes`] Make `unnecessary-lambda` an always-unsafe fix ([#&#8203;10668](
  • `pylint`] Fixed false-positive on the rule `PLW1641` (`eq-without-hash`) ([#&#8203;10566](
  • `ruff`] Fix panic in unused `# noqa` removal with multi-byte space (`RUF100`) ([#&#8203;10682](
  • Add PR title format to (#​10665)
  • Fix list markup to include blank lines required (#​10591)
  • Put flake8-logging next to the other flake8 plugins in registry (#​10587)
  • `flake8-bandit`] Update warning message for rule `S305` to address insecure block cipher mode use ([#&#8203;10602](
  • `flake8-bugbear`] Document use of anonymous assignment in `useless-expression` ([#&#8203;10551](
  • `flake8-datetimez`] Clarify error messages and docs for `DTZ` rules ([#&#8203;10621](
  • `pycodestyle`] Use same before vs. after numbers for `space-around-operator` ([#&#8203;10640](
  • `ruff`] Change `quadratic-list-summation` docs to use `iadd` consistently ([#&#8203;10666](


Compare Source

Preview features
  • `flake8-simplify`] Detect implicit `else` cases in `needless-bool` (`SIM103`) ([#&#8203;10414](
  • `pylint`] Implement `nan-comparison` (`PLW0117`) ([#&#8203;10401](
  • `pylint`] Implement `nonlocal-and-global` (`E115`) ([#&#8203;10407](
  • `pylint`] Implement `singledispatchmethod-function` (`PLE5120`) ([#&#8203;10428](
  • `refurb`] Implement `list-reverse-copy` (`FURB187`) ([#&#8203;10212](
Rule changes
  • `flake8-pytest-style`] Add automatic fix for `pytest-parametrize-values-wrong-type` (`PT007`) ([#&#8203;10461](
  • `pycodestyle`] Allow SPDX license headers to exceed the line length (`E501`) ([#&#8203;10481](
  • Fix unstable formatting for trailing subscript end-of-line comment (#​10492)
Bug fixes
  • Avoid code comment detection in PEP 723 script tags (#​10464)
  • Avoid incorrect tuple transformation in single-element case (C409) (#​10491)
  • Bug fix: Prevent fully defined links name from being reformatted (#​10442)
  • Consider raw source code for W605 (#​10480)
  • Docs: Link inline settings when not part of options section (#​10499)
  • Don't treat annotations as redefinitions in .pyi files (#​10512)
  • Fix E231 bug: Inconsistent catch compared to pycodestyle, such as when dict nested in list (#​10469)
  • Fix pylint upstream categories not showing in docs (#​10441)
  • Add missing Options references to blank line docs (#​10498)
  • 'Revert "F821: Fix false negatives in .py files when from __future__ import annotations is active (#​10362)"' (#​10513)
  • Apply NFKC normalization to unicode identifiers in the lexer (#​10412)
  • Avoid failures due to non-deterministic binding ordering (#​10478)
  • `flake8-bugbear`] Allow tuples of exceptions (`B030`) ([#&#8203;10437](
  • `flake8-quotes`] Avoid syntax errors due to invalid quotes (`Q000, Q002`) ([#&#8203;10199](


Compare Source

Preview features
  • `flake8-bandit`]: Implement `S610` rule ([#&#8203;10316](
  • `pycodestyle`] Implement `blank-line-at-end-of-file` (`W391`) ([#&#8203;10243](
  • `pycodestyle`] Implement `redundant-backslash` (`E502`) ([#&#8203;10292](
  • `pylint`] - implement `redeclared-assigned-name` (`W0128`) ([#&#8203;9268](
Rule changes
  • `flake8_comprehensions`] Handled special case for `C400` which also matches `C416` ([#&#8203;10419](
  • `flake8-bandit`] Implement upstream updates for `S311`, `S324` and `S605` ([#&#8203;10313](
  • `pyflakes`] Remove `F401` fix for `__init__` imports by default and allow opt-in to unsafe fix ([#&#8203;10365](
  • `pylint`] Implement `invalid-bool-return-type` (`E304`) ([#&#8203;10377](
  • `pylint`] Include builtin warnings in useless-exception-statement (`PLW0133`) ([#&#8203;10394](
  • Add message on success to ruff check (#​8631)
Bug fixes
  • `PIE970`] Allow trailing ellipsis in `typing.TYPE_CHECKING` ([#&#8203;10413](
  • Avoid TRIO115 if the argument is a variable (#​10376)
  • `F811`] Avoid removing shadowed imports that point to different symbols ([#&#8203;10387](
  • Fix F821 and F822 false positives in .pyi files (#​10341)
  • Fix F821 false negatives in .py files when from __future__ import annotations is active (#​10362)
  • Fix case where Indexer fails to identify continuation preceded by newline #​10351 (#​10354)
  • Sort hash maps in Settings display (#​10370)
  • Track conditional deletions in the semantic model (#​10415)
  • `C413`] Wrap expressions in parentheses when negating ([#&#8203;10346](
  • `pycodestyle`] Do not ignore lines before the first logical line in blank lines rules. ([#&#8203;10382](
  • `pycodestyle`] Do not trigger `E225` and `E275` when the next token is a ')' ([#&#8203;10315](
  • `pylint`] Avoid false-positive slot non-assignment for `__dict__` (`PLE0237`) ([#&#8203;10348](
  • Gate f-string struct size test for Rustc < 1.76 (#​10371)
  • Use ruff.toml format in README (#​10393)
  • `RUF008`] Make it clearer that a mutable default in a dataclass is only valid if it is typed as a ClassVar ([#&#8203;10395](
  • `pylint`] Extend docs and test in `invalid-str-return-type` (`E307`) ([#&#8203;10400](
  • Remove . from check and format commands (#​10217)


Compare Source

Preview features
  • Improve single-with item formatting for Python 3.8 or older (#​10276)
Rule changes
  • `pyupgrade`] Allow fixes for f-string rule regardless of line length (`UP032`) ([#&#8203;10263](
  • `pycodestyle`] Include actual conditions in E712 diagnostics ([#&#8203;10254](
Bug fixes
  • Fix trailing kwargs end of line comment after slash (#​10297)
  • Fix unstable with items formatting (#​10274)
  • Avoid repeating function calls in f-string conversions (#​10265)
  • Fix E203 false positive for slices in format strings (#​10280)
  • Fix incorrect Parameter range for *args and **kwargs (#​10283)
  • Treat typing.Annotated subscripts as type definitions (#​10285)


Compare Source

Preview features
  • `pycodestyle`] Fix E301 not triggering on decorated methods. ([#&#8203;10117](
  • `pycodestyle`] Respect `isort` settings in blank line rules (`E3*`) ([#&#8203;10096](
  • `pycodestyle`] Make blank lines in typing stub files optional (`E3*`) ([#&#8203;10098](
  • `pylint`] Implement `singledispatch-method` (`E1519`) ([#&#8203;10140](
  • `pylint`] Implement `useless-exception-statement` (`W0133`) ([#&#8203;10176](
Rule changes
  • `flake8-debugger`] Check for use of `debugpy` and `ptvsd` debug modules ([#&#8203;10177]( ([#&#8203;10194](
  • `pyupgrade`] Generate diagnostic for all valid f-string conversions regardless of line length (`UP032`) ([#&#8203;10238](
  • `pep8_naming`] Add fixes for `N804` and `N805` ([#&#8203;10215](
  • Colorize the output of ruff format --diff (#​10110)
  • Make --config and --isolated global flags (#​10150)
  • Correctly expand tildes and environment variables in paths passed to --config (#​10219)
  • Accept a PEP 440 version specifier for required-version (#​10216)
  • Implement isort's default-section setting (#​10149)
Bug fixes
  • Remove trailing space from CapWords message (#​10220)
  • Respect external codes in file-level exemptions (#​10203)
  • `flake8-raise`] Avoid false-positives for parens-on-raise with `future.exception()` (`RSE102`) ([#&#8203;10206](
  • `pylint`] Add fix for unary expressions in `PLC2801` ([#&#8203;9587](
  • `ruff`] Fix RUF028 not allowing `# fmt: skip` on match cases ([#&#8203;10178](


Compare Source

This release introduces the new Ruff formatter 2024.2 style and adds a new lint rule to
detect invalid formatter suppression comments.

Preview features
  • `flake8-bandit`] Remove suspicious-lxml-import (`S410`) ([#&#8203;10154](
  • `pycodestyle`] Allow `os.environ` modifications between imports (`E402`) ([#&#8203;10066](
  • `pycodestyle`] Don't warn about a single whitespace character before a comma in a tuple (`E203`) ([#&#8203;10094](
Rule changes
  • `eradicate`] Detect commented out `case` statements (`ERA001`) ([#&#8203;10055](
  • `eradicate`] Detect single-line code for `try:`, `except:`, etc. (`ERA001`) ([#&#8203;10057](
  • `flake8-boolean-trap`] Allow boolean positionals in `__post_init__` ([#&#8203;10027](
  • `flake8-copyright`] Allow © in copyright notices ([#&#8203;10065](
  • `isort`]: Use one blank line after imports in typing stub files ([#&#8203;9971](
  • `pylint`] New Rule `dict-iter-missing-items` (`PLE1141`) ([#&#8203;9845](
  • `pylint`] Ignore `sys.version` and `sys.platform` (`PLR1714`) ([#&#8203;10054](
  • `pyupgrade`] Detect literals with unary operators (`UP018`) ([#&#8203;10060](
  • `ruff`] Expand rule for `list(iterable).pop(0)` idiom (`RUF015`) ([#&#8203;10148](

This release introduces the Ruff 2024.2 style, stabilizing the following changes:

  • Prefer splitting the assignment's value over the target or type annotation (#​8943)
  • Remove blank lines before class docstrings (#​9154)
  • Wrap multiple context managers in with parentheses when targeting Python 3.9 or newer (#​9222)
  • Add a blank line after nested classes with a dummy body (...) in typing stub files (#​9155)
  • Reduce vertical spacing for classes and functions with a dummy (...) body (#​7440, #​9240)
  • Add a blank line after the module docstring (#​8283)
  • Parenthesize long type hints in assignments (#​9210)
  • Preserve indent for single multiline-string call-expressions (#​9673)
  • Normalize hex escape and unicode escape sequences (#​9280)
  • Format module docstrings (#​9725)
  • Explicitly disallow extend as part of a --config flag (#​10135)
  • Remove build from the default exclusion list (#​10093)
  • Deprecate ruff <path>, ruff --explain, ruff --clean, and ruff --generate-shell-completion in favor of ruff check <path>, ruff rule, ruff clean, and ruff generate-shell-completion (#​10169)
  • Remove the deprecated CLI option --format from ruff rule and ruff linter (#​10170)
Bug fixes
  • `flake8-bugbear`] Avoid adding default initializers to stubs (`B006`) ([#&#8203;10152](
  • `flake8-type-checking`] Respect runtime-required decorators for function signatures ([#&#8203;10091](
  • `pycodestyle`] Mark fixes overlapping with a multiline string as unsafe (`W293`) ([#&#8203;10049](
  • `pydocstyle`] Trim whitespace when removing blank lines after section (`D413`) ([#&#8203;10162](
  • `pylint`] Delete entire statement, including semicolons (`PLR0203`) ([#&#8203;10074](
  • `ruff`] Avoid f-string false positives in `gettext` calls (`RUF027`) ([#&#8203;10118](
  • Fix ruff crashing on PowerPC systems because of too small page size (#​10080)
  • Add cold attribute to less likely printer queue branches in the formatter (#​10121)
  • Skip unnecessary string normalization in the formatter (#​10116)
  • Remove "Beta" Label from formatter documentation (#​10144)
  • line-length option: fix link to pycodestyle.max-line-length (#​10136)


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This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [ruff]( ([source](, [changelog]( | tool.hatch.envs.lint | minor | `==0.2.2` -> `==0.5.0` | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>astral-sh/ruff (ruff)</summary> ### [`v0.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( Check out the [blog post]( for a migration guide and overview of the changes! ##### Breaking changes See also, the "Remapped rules" section which may result in disabled rules. - Follow the XDG specification to discover user-level configurations on macOS (same as on other Unix platforms) - Selecting `ALL` now excludes deprecated rules - The released archives now include an extra level of nesting, which can be removed with `--strip-components=1` when untarring. - The release artifact's file name no longer includes the version tag. This enables users to install via `/latest` URLs on GitHub. ##### Deprecations The following rules are now deprecated: - [`syntax-error`]( (`E999`): Syntax errors are now always shown ##### Remapped rules The following rules have been remapped to new rule codes: - [`blocking-http-call-in-async-function`]( `ASYNC100` to `ASYNC210` - [`open-sleep-or-subprocess-in-async-function`]( `ASYNC101` split into `ASYNC220`, `ASYNC221`, `ASYNC230`, and `ASYNC251` - [`blocking-os-call-in-async-function`]( `ASYNC102` has been merged into `ASYNC220` and `ASYNC221` - [`trio-timeout-without-await`]( `TRIO100` to `ASYNC100` - [`trio-sync-call`]( `TRIO105` to `ASYNC105` - [`trio-async-function-with-timeout`]( `TRIO109` to `ASYNC109` - [`trio-unneeded-sleep`]( `TRIO110` to `ASYNC110` - [`trio-zero-sleep-call`]( `TRIO115` to `ASYNC115` - [`repeated-isinstance-calls`]( `PLR1701` to `SIM101` ##### Stabilization The following rules have been stabilized and are no longer in preview: - [`mutable-fromkeys-value`]( (`RUF024`) - [`default-factory-kwarg`]( (`RUF026`) - [`django-extra`]( (`S610`) - [`manual-dict-comprehension`]( (`PERF403`) - [`print-empty-string`]( (`FURB105`) - [`readlines-in-for`]( (`FURB129`) - [`if-expr-min-max`]( (`FURB136`) - [`bit-count`]( (`FURB161`) - [`redundant-log-base`]( (`FURB163`) - [`regex-flag-alias`]( (`FURB167`) - [`isinstance-type-none`]( (`FURB168`) - [`type-none-comparison`]( (`FURB169`) - [`implicit-cwd`]( (`FURB177`) - [`hashlib-digest-hex`]( (`FURB181`) - [`list-reverse-copy`]( (`FURB187`) - [`bad-open-mode`]( (`PLW1501`) - [`empty-comment`]( (`PLR2044`) - [`global-at-module-level`]( (`PLW0604`) - [`misplaced-bare-raise`]( (`PLE0744`) - [`non-ascii-import-name`]( (`PLC2403`) - [`non-ascii-name`]( (`PLC2401`) - [`nonlocal-and-global`]( (`PLE0115`) - [`potential-index-error`]( (`PLE0643`) - [`redeclared-assigned-name`]( (`PLW0128`) - [`redefined-argument-from-local`]( (`PLR1704`) - [`repeated-keyword-argument`]( (`PLE1132`) - [`super-without-brackets`]( (`PLW0245`) - [`unnecessary-list-index-lookup`]( (`PLR1736`) - [`useless-exception-statement`]( (`PLW0133`) - [`useless-with-lock`]( (`PLW2101`) The following behaviors have been stabilized: - [`is-literal`]( (`F632`) now warns for identity checks against list, set or dictionary literals - [`needless-bool`]( (`SIM103`) now detects `if` expressions with implicit `else` branches - [`module-import-not-at-top-of-file`]( (`E402`) now allows `os.environ` modifications between import statements - [`type-comparison`]( (`E721`) now allows idioms such as `type(x) is int` - [`yoda-condition`]( (`SIM300`) now flags a wider range of expressions ##### Removals The following deprecated settings have been removed: - `output-format=text`; use `output-format=concise` or `output-format=full` - `tab-size`; use `indent-width` The following deprecated CLI options have been removed: - `--show-source`; use `--output-format=full` - `--no-show-source`; use `--output-format=concise` The following deprecated CLI commands have been removed: - `ruff <path>`; use `ruff check <path>` - `ruff --clean`; use `ruff clean` - `ruff --generate-shell-completion`; use `ruff generate-shell-completion` ##### Preview features - \[`ruff`] Add `assert-with-print-message` rule ([#&#8203;11981]( ##### CLI - Use rule name rather than message in `--statistics` ([#&#8203;11697]( - Use the output format `full` by default ([#&#8203;12010]( - Don't log syntax errors to the console ([#&#8203;11902]( ##### Rule changes - \[`ruff`] Fix false positives if `gettext` is imported using an alias (`RUF027`) ([#&#8203;12025]( - \[`npy`] Update `trapz` and `in1d` deprecation (`NPY201`) ([#&#8203;11948]( - \[`flake8-bandit`] Modify diagnostic ranges for shell-related rules ([#&#8203;10667]( ##### Server - Closing an untitled, unsaved notebook document no longer throws an error ([#&#8203;11942]( - Support the usage of tildes and environment variables in `logFile` ([#&#8203;11945]( - Add option to configure whether to show syntax errors ([#&#8203;12059]( ##### Bug fixes - \[`pycodestyle`] Avoid `E203` for f-string debug expression ([#&#8203;12024]( - \[`pep8-naming`] Match import-name ignores against both name and alias (`N812`, `N817`) ([#&#8203;12033]( - \[`pyflakes`] Detect assignments that shadow definitions (`F811`) ([#&#8203;11961]( ##### Parser - Emit a syntax error for an empty type parameter list ([#&#8203;12030]( - Avoid consuming the newline for unterminated strings ([#&#8203;12067]( - Do not include the newline in the unterminated string range ([#&#8203;12017]( - Use the correct range to highlight line continuation errors ([#&#8203;12016]( - Consider 2-character EOL before line continuations ([#&#8203;12035]( - Consider line continuation character for re-lexing ([#&#8203;12008]( ##### Other changes - Upgrade the Unicode table used for measuring the line-length ([#&#8203;11194]( - Remove the deprecation error message for the nursery selector ([#&#8203;10172]( ### [`v0.4.10`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Parser - Implement re-lexing logic for better error recovery ([#&#8203;11845]( ##### Rule changes - \[`flake8-copyright`] Update `CPY001` to check the first 4096 bytes instead of 1024 ([#&#8203;11927]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Update `E999` to show all syntax errors instead of just the first one ([#&#8203;11900]( ##### Server - Add tracing setup guide to Helix documentation ([#&#8203;11883]( - Add tracing setup guide to Neovim documentation ([#&#8203;11884]( - Defer notebook cell deletion to avoid an error message ([#&#8203;11864]( ##### Security - Guard against malicious ecosystem comment artifacts ([#&#8203;11879]( ### [`v0.4.9`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Preview features - \[`pylint`] Implement `consider-dict-items` (`C0206`) ([#&#8203;11688]( - \[`refurb`] Implement `repeated-global` (`FURB154`) ([#&#8203;11187]( ##### Rule changes - \[`pycodestyle`] Adapt fix for `E203` to work identical to `ruff format` ([#&#8203;10999]( ##### Formatter - Fix formatter instability for lines only consisting of zero-width characters ([#&#8203;11748]( ##### Server - Add supported commands in server capabilities ([#&#8203;11850]( - Use real file path when available in `ruff server` ([#&#8203;11800]( - Improve error message when a command is run on an unavailable document ([#&#8203;11823]( - Introduce the `ruff.printDebugInformation` command ([#&#8203;11831]( - Tracing system now respects log level and trace level, with options to log to a file ([#&#8203;11747]( ##### CLI - Handle non-printable characters in diff view ([#&#8203;11687]( ##### Bug fixes - \[`refurb`] Avoid suggesting starmap when arguments are used outside call (`FURB140`) ([#&#8203;11830]( - \[`flake8-bugbear`] Avoid panic in `B909` when checking large loop blocks ([#&#8203;11772]( - \[`refurb`] Fix misbehavior of `operator.itemgetter` when getter param is a tuple (`FURB118`) ([#&#8203;11774]( ### [`v0.4.8`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Performance - Linter performance has been improved by around 10% on some microbenchmarks by refactoring the lexer and parser to maintain synchronicity between them ([#&#8203;11457]( ##### Preview features - \[`flake8-bugbear`] Implement `return-in-generator` (`B901`) ([#&#8203;11644]( - \[`flake8-pyi`] Implement `PYI063` ([#&#8203;11699]( - \[`pygrep_hooks`] Check blanket ignores via file-level pragmas (`PGH004`) ([#&#8203;11540]( ##### Rule changes - \[`pyupgrade`] Update `UP035` for Python 3.13 and the latest version of `typing_extensions` ([#&#8203;11693]( - \[`numpy`] Update `NPY001` rule for NumPy 2.0 ([#&#8203;11735]( ##### Server - Formatting a document with syntax problems no longer spams a visible error popup ([#&#8203;11745]( ##### CLI - Add RDJson support for `--output-format` flag ([#&#8203;11682]( ##### Bug fixes - \[`pyupgrade`] Write empty string in lieu of panic when fixing `UP032` ([#&#8203;11696]( - \[`flake8-simplify`] Simplify double negatives in `SIM103` ([#&#8203;11684]( - Ensure the expression generator adds a newline before `type` statements ([#&#8203;11720]( - Respect per-file ignores for blanket and redirected noqa rules ([#&#8203;11728]( ### [`v0.4.7`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Preview features - \[`flake8-pyi`] Implement `PYI064` ([#&#8203;11325]( - \[`flake8-pyi`] Implement `PYI066` ([#&#8203;11541]( - \[`flake8-pyi`] Implement `PYI057` ([#&#8203;11486]( - \[`pyflakes`] Enable `F822` in `` files by default ([#&#8203;11370]( ##### Formatter - Fix incorrect placement of trailing stub function comments ([#&#8203;11632]( ##### Server - Respect file exclusions in `ruff server` ([#&#8203;11590]( - Add support for documents not exist on disk ([#&#8203;11588]( - Add Vim and Kate setup guide for `ruff server` ([#&#8203;11615]( ##### Bug fixes - Avoid removing newlines between docstring headers and rST blocks ([#&#8203;11609]( - Infer indentation with imports when logical indent is absent ([#&#8203;11608]( - Use char index rather than position for indent slice ([#&#8203;11645]( - \[`flake8-comprehension`] Strip parentheses around generators in `C400` ([#&#8203;11607]( - Mark `repeated-isinstance-calls` as unsafe on Python 3.10 and later ([#&#8203;11622]( ### [`v0.4.6`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Breaking changes - Use project-relative paths when calculating GitLab fingerprints ([#&#8203;11532]( - Bump minimum supported Windows version to Windows 10 ([#&#8203;11613]( ##### Preview features - \[`flake8-async`] Sleep with >24 hour interval should usually sleep forever (`ASYNC116`) ([#&#8203;11498]( ##### Rule changes - \[`numpy`] Add missing functions to NumPy 2.0 migration rule ([#&#8203;11528]( - \[`mccabe`] Consider irrefutable pattern similar to `if .. else` for `C901` ([#&#8203;11565]( - Consider `match`-`case` statements for `C901`, `PLR0912`, and `PLR0915` ([#&#8203;11521]( - Remove empty strings when converting to f-string (`UP032`) ([#&#8203;11524]( - \[`flake8-bandit`] `request-without-timeout` should warn for `requests.request` ([#&#8203;11548]( - \[`flake8-self`] Ignore sunder accesses in `flake8-self` rules ([#&#8203;11546]( - \[`pyupgrade`] Lint for `TypeAliasType` usages (`UP040`) ([#&#8203;11530]( ##### Server - Respect excludes in `ruff server` configuration discovery ([#&#8203;11551]( - Use default settings if initialization options is empty or not provided ([#&#8203;11566]( - `ruff server` correctly treats `.pyi` files as stub files ([#&#8203;11535]( - `ruff server` searches for configuration in parent directories ([#&#8203;11537]( - `ruff server`: An empty code action filter no longer returns notebook source actions ([#&#8203;11526]( ##### Bug fixes - \[`flake8-logging-format`] Fix autofix title in `logging-warn` (`G010`) ([#&#8203;11514]( - \[`refurb`] Avoid recommending `operator.itemgetter` with dependence on lambda arguments ([#&#8203;11574]( - \[`flake8-simplify`] Avoid recommending context manager in `__enter__` implementations ([#&#8203;11575]( - Create intermediary directories for `--output-file` ([#&#8203;11550]( - Propagate reads on global variables ([#&#8203;11584]( - Treat all `singledispatch` arguments as runtime-required ([#&#8203;11523]( ### [`v0.4.5`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Ruff's language server is now in Beta `v0.4.5` marks the official Beta release of `ruff server`, an integrated language server built into Ruff. `ruff server` supports the same feature set as `ruff-lsp`, powering linting, formatting, and code fixes in Ruff's editor integrations -- but with superior performance and no installation required. We'd love your feedback! You can enable `ruff server` in the [VS Code extension]( today. To read more about this exciting milestone, check out our [blog post](! ##### Rule changes - \[`flake8-future-annotations`] Reword `future-rewritable-type-annotation` (`FA100`) message ([#&#8203;11381]( - \[`isort`] Expanded the set of standard-library modules to include `_string`, etc. ([#&#8203;11374]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Consider soft keywords for `E27` rules ([#&#8203;11446]( - \[`pyflakes`] Recommend adding unused import bindings to `__all__` ([#&#8203;11314]( - \[`pyflakes`] Update documentation and deprecate `ignore_init_module_imports` ([#&#8203;11436]( - \[`pyupgrade`] Mark quotes as unnecessary for non-evaluated annotations ([#&#8203;11485]( ##### Formatter - Avoid multiline quotes warning with `quote-style = preserve` ([#&#8203;11490]( ##### Server - Support Jupyter Notebook files ([#&#8203;11206]( - Support `noqa` comment code actions ([#&#8203;11276]( - Fix automatic configuration reloading ([#&#8203;11492]( - Fix several issues with configuration in Neovim and Helix ([#&#8203;11497]( ##### CLI - Add `--output-format` as a CLI option for `ruff config` ([#&#8203;11438]( ##### Bug fixes - Avoid `PLE0237` for property with setter ([#&#8203;11377]( - Avoid `TCH005` for `if` stmt with `elif`/`else` block ([#&#8203;11376]( - Avoid flagging `__future__` annotations as required for non-evaluated type annotations ([#&#8203;11414]( - Check for ruff executable in 'bin' directory as installed by 'pip install --target'. ([#&#8203;11450]( - Sort edits prior to deduplicating in quotation fix ([#&#8203;11452]( - Treat escaped newline as valid sequence ([#&#8203;11465]( - \[`flake8-pie`] Preserve parentheses in `unnecessary-dict-kwargs` ([#&#8203;11372]( - \[`pylint`] Ignore `__slots__` with dynamic values ([#&#8203;11488]( - \[`pylint`] Remove `try` body from branch counting ([#&#8203;11487]( - \[`refurb`] Respect operator precedence in `FURB110` ([#&#8203;11464]( ##### Documentation - Add `--preview` to the README ([#&#8203;11395]( - Add Python 3.13 to list of allowed Python versions ([#&#8203;11411]( - Simplify Neovim setup documentation ([#&#8203;11489]( - Update to reflect the new parser ([#&#8203;11434]( - Update server documentation with new migration guide ([#&#8203;11499]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Clarify motivation for `E713` and `E714` ([#&#8203;11483]( - \[`pyflakes`] Update docs to describe WAI behavior (F541) ([#&#8203;11362]( - \[`pylint`] Clearly indicate what is counted as a branch ([#&#8203;11423]( ### [`v0.4.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Preview features - \[`pycodestyle`] Ignore end-of-line comments when determining blank line rules ([#&#8203;11342]( - \[`pylint`] Detect `` calls in `unspecified-encoding` (`PLW1514`) ([#&#8203;11288]( - \[`flake8-pyi`] Implement `PYI059` (`generic-not-last-base-class`) ([#&#8203;11233]( - \[`flake8-pyi`] Implement `PYI062` (`duplicate-literal-member`) ([#&#8203;11269]( ##### Rule changes - \[`flake8-boolean-trap`] Allow passing booleans as positional-only arguments in code such as `set(True)` ([#&#8203;11287]( - \[`flake8-bugbear`] Ignore enum classes in `cached-instance-method` (`B019`) ([#&#8203;11312]( ##### Server - Expand tildes when resolving Ruff server configuration file ([#&#8203;11283]( - Fix `ruff server` hanging after Neovim closes ([#&#8203;11291]( - Editor settings are used by default if no file-based configuration exists ([#&#8203;11266]( ##### Bug fixes - \[`pylint`] Consider `with` statements for `too-many-branches` (`PLR0912`) ([#&#8203;11321]( - \[`flake8-blind-except`, `tryceratops`] Respect logged and re-raised expressions in nested statements (`BLE001`, `TRY201`) ([#&#8203;11301]( - Recognise assignments such as `__all__ = builtins.list(["foo", "bar"])` as valid `__all__` definitions ([#&#8203;11335]( ### [`v0.4.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Enhancements - Add support for PEP 696 syntax ([#&#8203;11120]( ##### Preview features - \[`refurb`] Use function range for `reimplemented-operator` diagnostics ([#&#8203;11271]( - \[`refurb`] Ignore methods in `reimplemented-operator` (`FURB118`) ([#&#8203;11270]( - \[`refurb`] Implement `fstring-number-format` (`FURB116`) ([#&#8203;10921]( - \[`ruff`] Implement `redirected-noqa` (`RUF101`) ([#&#8203;11052]( - \[`pyflakes`] Distinguish between first-party and third-party imports for fix suggestions ([#&#8203;11168]( ##### Rule changes - \[`flake8-bugbear`] Ignore non-abstract class attributes when enforcing `B024` ([#&#8203;11210]( - \[`flake8-logging`] Include inline instantiations when detecting loggers ([#&#8203;11154]( - \[`pylint`] Also emit `PLR0206` for properties with variadic parameters ([#&#8203;11200]( - \[`ruff`] Detect duplicate codes as part of `unused-noqa` (`RUF100`) ([#&#8203;10850]( ##### Formatter - Avoid multiline expression if format specifier is present ([#&#8203;11123]( ##### LSP - Write `ruff server` setup guide for Helix ([#&#8203;11183]( - `ruff server` no longer hangs after shutdown ([#&#8203;11222]( - `ruff server` reads from a configuration TOML file in the user configuration directory if no local configuration exists ([#&#8203;11225]( - `ruff server` respects `per-file-ignores` configuration ([#&#8203;11224]( - `ruff server`: Support a custom TOML configuration file ([#&#8203;11140]( - `ruff server`: Support setting to prioritize project configuration over editor configuration ([#&#8203;11086]( ##### Bug fixes - Avoid debug assertion around NFKC renames ([#&#8203;11249]( - \[`pyflakes`] Prioritize `redefined-while-unused` over `unused-import` ([#&#8203;11173]( - \[`ruff`] Respect `async` expressions in comprehension bodies ([#&#8203;11219]( - \[`pygrep_hooks`] Fix `blanket-noqa` panic when last line has noqa with no newline (`PGH004`) ([#&#8203;11108]( - \[`perflint`] Ignore list-copy recommendations for async `for` loops ([#&#8203;11250]( - \[`pyflakes`] Improve `invalid-print-syntax` documentation ([#&#8203;11171]( ##### Performance - Avoid allocations for isort module names ([#&#8203;11251]( - Build a separate ARM wheel for macOS ([#&#8203;11149]( ##### Windows - Increase the minimum requirement to Windows 10. ### [`v0.4.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Rule changes - \[`flake8-pyi`] Allow for overloaded `__exit__` and `__aexit__` definitions (`PYI036`) ([#&#8203;11057]( - \[`pyupgrade`] Catch usages of `"%s" % var` and provide an unsafe fix (`UP031`) ([#&#8203;11019]( - \[`refurb`] Implement new rule that suggests min/max over `sorted()` (`FURB192`) ([#&#8203;10868]( ##### Server - Fix an issue with missing diagnostics for Neovim and Helix ([#&#8203;11092]( - Implement hover documentation for `noqa` codes ([#&#8203;11096]( - Introduce common Ruff configuration options with new server settings ([#&#8203;11062]( ##### Bug fixes - Use `macos-12` for building release wheels to enable macOS 11 compatibility ([#&#8203;11146]( - \[`flake8-blind-expect`] Allow raise from in `BLE001` ([#&#8203;11131]( - \[`flake8-pyi`] Allow simple assignments to `None` in enum class scopes (`PYI026`) ([#&#8203;11128]( - \[`flake8-simplify`] Avoid raising `SIM911` for non-`zip` attribute calls ([#&#8203;11126]( - \[`refurb`] Avoid `operator.itemgetter` suggestion for single-item tuple ([#&#8203;11095]( - \[`ruff`] Respect per-file-ignores for `RUF100` with no other diagnostics ([#&#8203;11058]( - \[`ruff`] Fix async comprehension false positive (`RUF029`) ([#&#8203;11070]( ##### Documentation - \[`flake8-bugbear`] Document explicitly disabling strict zip (`B905`) ([#&#8203;11040]( - \[`flake8-type-checking`] Mention `lint.typing-modules` in `TCH001`, `TCH002`, and `TCH003` ([#&#8203;11144]( - \[`isort`] Improve documentation around custom `isort` sections ([#&#8203;11050]( - \[`pylint`] Fix documentation oversight for `invalid-X-returns` ([#&#8203;11094]( ##### Performance - Use `matchit` to resolve per-file settings ([#&#8203;11111]( ### [`v0.4.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Parser - Implement re-lexing logic for better error recovery ([#&#8203;11845]( ##### Rule changes - \[`flake8-copyright`] Update `CPY001` to check the first 4096 bytes instead of 1024 ([#&#8203;11927]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Update `E999` to show all syntax errors instead of just the first one ([#&#8203;11900]( ##### Server - Add tracing setup guide to Helix documentation ([#&#8203;11883]( - Add tracing setup guide to Neovim documentation ([#&#8203;11884]( - Defer notebook cell deletion to avoid an error message ([#&#8203;11864]( ##### Security - Guard against malicious ecosystem comment artifacts ([#&#8203;11879]( ### [`v0.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### A new, hand-written parser Ruff's new parser is **>2x faster**, which translates to a **20-40% speedup** for all linting and formatting invocations. There's a lot to say about this exciting change, so check out the [blog post]( for more details! See [#&#8203;10036]( for implementation details. ##### A new language server in Rust With this release, we also want to highlight our new language server. `ruff server` is a Rust-powered language server that comes built-in with Ruff. It can be used with any editor that supports the [Language Server Protocol]( (LSP). It uses a multi-threaded, lock-free architecture inspired by `rust-analyzer` and it will open the door for a lot of exciting features. It’s also faster than our previous [Python-based language server]( \-- but you probably guessed that already. `ruff server` is only in alpha, but it has a lot of features that you can try out today: - Lints Python files automatically and shows quick-fixes when available - Formats Python files, with support for range formatting - Comes with commands for quickly performing actions: `ruff.applyAutofix`, `ruff.applyFormat`, and `ruff.applyOrganizeImports` - Supports `source.fixAll` and `source.organizeImports` source actions - Automatically reloads your project configuration when you change it To setup `ruff server` with your editor, refer to the []( ##### Preview features - \[`pycodestyle`] Do not trigger `E3` rules on `def`s following a function/method with a dummy body ([#&#8203;10704]( - \[`pylint`] Implement `invalid-bytes-returned` (`E0308`) ([#&#8203;10959]( - \[`pylint`] Implement `invalid-length-returned` (`E0303`) ([#&#8203;10963]( - \[`pylint`] Implement `self-cls-assignment` (`W0642`) ([#&#8203;9267]( - \[`pylint`] Omit stubs from `invalid-bool` and `invalid-str-return-type` ([#&#8203;11008]( - \[`ruff`] New rule `unused-async` (`RUF029`) to detect unneeded `async` keywords on functions ([#&#8203;9966]( ##### Rule changes - \[`flake8-bandit`] Allow `urllib.request.urlopen` calls with static `Request` argument (`S310`) ([#&#8203;10964]( - \[`flake8-bugbear`] Treat `raise NotImplemented`-only bodies as stub functions (`B006`) ([#&#8203;10990]( - \[`flake8-slots`] Respect same-file `Enum` subclasses (`SLOT000`) ([#&#8203;11006]( - \[`pylint`] Support inverted comparisons (`PLR1730`) ([#&#8203;10920]( ##### Linter - Improve handling of builtin symbols in linter rules ([#&#8203;10919]( - Improve display of rules in `--show-settings` ([#&#8203;11003]( - Improve inference capabilities of the `BuiltinTypeChecker` ([#&#8203;10976]( - Resolve classes and functions relative to script name ([#&#8203;10965]( - Improve performance of `RuleTable::any_enabled` ([#&#8203;10971]( ##### Server *This section is devoted to updates for our new language server, written in Rust.* - Enable ruff-specific source actions ([#&#8203;10916]( - Refreshes diagnostics for open files when file configuration is changed ([#&#8203;10988]( - Important errors are now shown as popups ([#&#8203;10951]( - Introduce settings for directly configuring the linter and formatter ([#&#8203;10984]( - Resolve configuration for each document individually ([#&#8203;10950]( - Write a setup guide for Neovim ([#&#8203;10987]( ##### Configuration - Add `RUFF_OUTPUT_FILE` environment variable support ([#&#8203;10992]( ##### Bug fixes - Avoid `non-augmented-assignment` for reversed, non-commutative operators (`PLR6104`) ([#&#8203;10909]( - Limit commutative non-augmented-assignments to primitive data types (`PLR6104`) ([#&#8203;10912]( - Respect `per-file-ignores` for `RUF100` on blanket `# noqa` ([#&#8203;10908]( - Consider `if` expression for parenthesized with items parsing ([#&#8203;11010]( - Consider binary expr for parenthesized with items parsing ([#&#8203;11012]( - Reset `FOR_TARGET` context for all kinds of parentheses ([#&#8203;11009]( ### [`v0.3.7`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Preview features - \[`flake8-bugbear`] Implement `loop-iterator-mutation` (`B909`) ([#&#8203;9578]( - \[`pylint`] Implement rule to prefer augmented assignment (`PLR6104`) ([#&#8203;9932]( ##### Bug fixes - Avoid TOCTOU errors in cache initialization ([#&#8203;10884]( - \[`pylint`] Recode `nan-comparison` rule to `W0177` ([#&#8203;10894]( - \[`pylint`] Reverse min-max logic in `if-stmt-min-max` ([#&#8203;10890]( ### [`v0.3.6`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Preview features - \[`pylint`] Implement `bad-staticmethod-argument` (`PLW0211`) ([#&#8203;10781]( - \[`pylint`] Implement `if-stmt-min-max` (`PLR1730`, `PLR1731`) ([#&#8203;10002]( - \[`pyupgrade`] Replace `str,Enum` multiple inheritance with `StrEnum` `UP042` ([#&#8203;10713]( - \[`refurb`] Implement `if-expr-instead-of-or-operator` (`FURB110`) ([#&#8203;10687]( - \[`refurb`] Implement `int-on-sliced-str` (`FURB166`) ([#&#8203;10650]( - \[`refurb`] Implement `write-whole-file` (`FURB103`) ([#&#8203;10802]( - \[`refurb`] Support `itemgetter` in `reimplemented-operator` (`FURB118`) ([#&#8203;10526]( - \[`flake8_comprehensions`] Add `sum`/`min`/`max` to unnecessary comprehension check (`C419`) ([#&#8203;10759]( ##### Rule changes - \[`pydocstyle`] Require capitalizing docstrings where the first sentence is a single word (`D403`) ([#&#8203;10776]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Ignore annotated lambdas in class scopes (`E731`) ([#&#8203;10720]( - \[`flake8-pyi`] Various improvements to PYI034 ([#&#8203;10807]( - \[`flake8-slots`] Flag subclasses of call-based `typing.NamedTuple`s as well as subclasses of `collections.namedtuple()` (`SLOT002`) ([#&#8203;10808]( - \[`pyflakes`] Allow forward references in class bases in stub files (`F821`) ([#&#8203;10779]( - \[`pygrep-hooks`] Improve `blanket-noqa` error message (`PGH004`) ([#&#8203;10851]( ##### CLI - Support `FORCE_COLOR` env var ([#&#8203;10839]( ##### Configuration - Support negated patterns in `[extend-]per-file-ignores` ([#&#8203;10852]( ##### Bug fixes - \[`flake8-import-conventions`] Accept non-aliased (but correct) import in `unconventional-import-alias` (`ICN001`) ([#&#8203;10729]( - \[`flake8-quotes`] Add semantic model flag when inside f-string replacement field ([#&#8203;10766]( - \[`pep8-naming`] Recursively resolve `TypeDicts` for N815 violations ([#&#8203;10719]( - \[`flake8-quotes`] Respect `Q00*` ignores in `flake8-quotes` rules ([#&#8203;10728]( - \[`flake8-simplify`] Show negated condition in `needless-bool` diagnostics (`SIM103`) ([#&#8203;10854]( - \[`ruff`] Use within-scope shadowed bindings in `asyncio-dangling-task` (`RUF006`) ([#&#8203;10793]( - \[`flake8-pytest-style`] Fix single-tuple conversion in `pytest-parametrize-values-wrong-type` (`PT007`) ([#&#8203;10862]( - \[`flake8-return`] Ignore assignments to annotated variables in `unnecessary-assign` (`RET504`) ([#&#8203;10741]( - \[`refurb`] Do not allow any keyword arguments for `read-whole-file` in `rb` mode (`FURB101`) ([#&#8203;10803]( - \[`pylint`] Don't recommend decorating staticmethods with `@singledispatch` (`PLE1519`, `PLE1520`) ([#&#8203;10637]( - \[`pydocstyle`] Use section name range for all section-related docstring diagnostics ([#&#8203;10740]( - Respect `# noqa` directives on `__all__` openers ([#&#8203;10798]( ### [`v0.3.5`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Preview features - \[`pylint`] Implement `modified-iterating-set` (`E4703`) ([#&#8203;10473]( - \[`refurb`] Implement `for-loop-set-mutations` (`FURB142`) ([#&#8203;10583]( - \[`refurb`] Implement `unnecessary-from-float` (`FURB164`) ([#&#8203;10647]( - \[`refurb`] Implement `verbose-decimal-constructor` (`FURB157`) ([#&#8203;10533]( ##### Rule changes - \[`flake8-comprehensions`] Handled special case for `C401` which also matches `C416` ([#&#8203;10596]( - \[`flake8-pyi`] Mark `unaliased-collections-abc-set-import` fix as "safe" for more cases in stub files (`PYI025`) ([#&#8203;10547]( - \[`numpy`] Add `row_stack` to NumPy 2.0 migration rule ([#&#8203;10646]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Allow cell magics before an import (`E402`) ([#&#8203;10545]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Avoid blank line rules for the first logical line in cell ([#&#8203;10291]( ##### Configuration - Respected nested namespace packages ([#&#8203;10541]( - \[`flake8-boolean-trap`] Add setting for user defined allowed boolean trap ([#&#8203;10531]( ##### Bug fixes - Correctly handle references in `__all__` definitions when renaming symbols in autofixes ([#&#8203;10527]( - Track ranges of names inside `__all__` definitions ([#&#8203;10525]( - \[`flake8-bugbear`] Avoid false positive for usage after `continue` (`B031`) ([#&#8203;10539]( - \[`flake8-copyright`] Accept commas in default copyright pattern ([#&#8203;9498]( - \[`flake8-datetimez`] Allow f-strings with `%z` for `DTZ007` ([#&#8203;10651]( - \[`flake8-pytest-style`] Fix `PT014` autofix for last item in list ([#&#8203;10532]( - \[`flake8-quotes`] Ignore `Q000`, `Q001` when string is inside forward ref ([#&#8203;10585]( - \[`isort`] Always place non-relative imports after relative imports ([#&#8203;10669]( - \[`isort`] Respect Unicode characters in import sorting ([#&#8203;10529]( - \[`pyflakes`] Fix F821 false negatives when `from __future__ import annotations` is active (attempt 2) ([#&#8203;10524]( - \[`pyflakes`] Make `unnecessary-lambda` an always-unsafe fix ([#&#8203;10668]( - \[`pylint`] Fixed false-positive on the rule `PLW1641` (`eq-without-hash`) ([#&#8203;10566]( - \[`ruff`] Fix panic in unused `# noqa` removal with multi-byte space (`RUF100`) ([#&#8203;10682]( ##### Documentation - Add PR title format to `` ([#&#8203;10665]( - Fix list markup to include blank lines required ([#&#8203;10591]( - Put `flake8-logging` next to the other flake8 plugins in registry ([#&#8203;10587]( - \[`flake8-bandit`] Update warning message for rule `S305` to address insecure block cipher mode use ([#&#8203;10602]( - \[`flake8-bugbear`] Document use of anonymous assignment in `useless-expression` ([#&#8203;10551]( - \[`flake8-datetimez`] Clarify error messages and docs for `DTZ` rules ([#&#8203;10621]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Use same before vs. after numbers for `space-around-operator` ([#&#8203;10640]( - \[`ruff`] Change `quadratic-list-summation` docs to use `iadd` consistently ([#&#8203;10666]( ### [`v0.3.4`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Preview features - \[`flake8-simplify`] Detect implicit `else` cases in `needless-bool` (`SIM103`) ([#&#8203;10414]( - \[`pylint`] Implement `nan-comparison` (`PLW0117`) ([#&#8203;10401]( - \[`pylint`] Implement `nonlocal-and-global` (`E115`) ([#&#8203;10407]( - \[`pylint`] Implement `singledispatchmethod-function` (`PLE5120`) ([#&#8203;10428]( - \[`refurb`] Implement `list-reverse-copy` (`FURB187`) ([#&#8203;10212]( ##### Rule changes - \[`flake8-pytest-style`] Add automatic fix for `pytest-parametrize-values-wrong-type` (`PT007`) ([#&#8203;10461]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Allow SPDX license headers to exceed the line length (`E501`) ([#&#8203;10481]( ##### Formatter - Fix unstable formatting for trailing subscript end-of-line comment ([#&#8203;10492]( ##### Bug fixes - Avoid code comment detection in PEP 723 script tags ([#&#8203;10464]( - Avoid incorrect tuple transformation in single-element case (`C409`) ([#&#8203;10491]( - Bug fix: Prevent fully defined links [`name`](link) from being reformatted ([#&#8203;10442]( - Consider raw source code for `W605` ([#&#8203;10480]( - Docs: Link inline settings when not part of options section ([#&#8203;10499]( - Don't treat annotations as redefinitions in `.pyi` files ([#&#8203;10512]( - Fix `E231` bug: Inconsistent catch compared to pycodestyle, such as when dict nested in list ([#&#8203;10469]( - Fix pylint upstream categories not showing in docs ([#&#8203;10441]( - Add missing `Options` references to blank line docs ([#&#8203;10498]( - 'Revert "F821: Fix false negatives in .py files when `from __future__ import annotations` is active ([#&#8203;10362]("' ([#&#8203;10513]( - Apply NFKC normalization to unicode identifiers in the lexer ([#&#8203;10412]( - Avoid failures due to non-deterministic binding ordering ([#&#8203;10478]( - \[`flake8-bugbear`] Allow tuples of exceptions (`B030`) ([#&#8203;10437]( - \[`flake8-quotes`] Avoid syntax errors due to invalid quotes (`Q000, Q002`) ([#&#8203;10199]( ### [`v0.3.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Preview features - \[`flake8-bandit`]: Implement `S610` rule ([#&#8203;10316]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Implement `blank-line-at-end-of-file` (`W391`) ([#&#8203;10243]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Implement `redundant-backslash` (`E502`) ([#&#8203;10292]( - \[`pylint`] - implement `redeclared-assigned-name` (`W0128`) ([#&#8203;9268]( ##### Rule changes - \[`flake8_comprehensions`] Handled special case for `C400` which also matches `C416` ([#&#8203;10419]( - \[`flake8-bandit`] Implement upstream updates for `S311`, `S324` and `S605` ([#&#8203;10313]( - \[`pyflakes`] Remove `F401` fix for `__init__` imports by default and allow opt-in to unsafe fix ([#&#8203;10365]( - \[`pylint`] Implement `invalid-bool-return-type` (`E304`) ([#&#8203;10377]( - \[`pylint`] Include builtin warnings in useless-exception-statement (`PLW0133`) ([#&#8203;10394]( ##### CLI - Add message on success to `ruff check` ([#&#8203;8631]( ##### Bug fixes - \[`PIE970`] Allow trailing ellipsis in `typing.TYPE_CHECKING` ([#&#8203;10413]( - Avoid `TRIO115` if the argument is a variable ([#&#8203;10376]( - \[`F811`] Avoid removing shadowed imports that point to different symbols ([#&#8203;10387]( - Fix `F821` and `F822` false positives in `.pyi` files ([#&#8203;10341]( - Fix `F821` false negatives in `.py` files when `from __future__ import annotations` is active ([#&#8203;10362]( - Fix case where `Indexer` fails to identify continuation preceded by newline [#&#8203;10351]( ([#&#8203;10354]( - Sort hash maps in `Settings` display ([#&#8203;10370]( - Track conditional deletions in the semantic model ([#&#8203;10415]( - \[`C413`] Wrap expressions in parentheses when negating ([#&#8203;10346]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Do not ignore lines before the first logical line in blank lines rules. ([#&#8203;10382]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Do not trigger `E225` and `E275` when the next token is a ')' ([#&#8203;10315]( - \[`pylint`] Avoid false-positive slot non-assignment for `__dict__` (`PLE0237`) ([#&#8203;10348]( - Gate f-string struct size test for Rustc < 1.76 ([#&#8203;10371]( ##### Documentation - Use `ruff.toml` format in README ([#&#8203;10393]( - \[`RUF008`] Make it clearer that a mutable default in a dataclass is only valid if it is typed as a ClassVar ([#&#8203;10395]( - \[`pylint`] Extend docs and test in `invalid-str-return-type` (`E307`) ([#&#8203;10400]( - Remove `.` from `check` and `format` commands ([#&#8203;10217]( ### [`v0.3.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Preview features - Improve single-`with` item formatting for Python 3.8 or older ([#&#8203;10276]( ##### Rule changes - \[`pyupgrade`] Allow fixes for f-string rule regardless of line length (`UP032`) ([#&#8203;10263]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Include actual conditions in E712 diagnostics ([#&#8203;10254]( ##### Bug fixes - Fix trailing kwargs end of line comment after slash ([#&#8203;10297]( - Fix unstable `with` items formatting ([#&#8203;10274]( - Avoid repeating function calls in f-string conversions ([#&#8203;10265]( - Fix E203 false positive for slices in format strings ([#&#8203;10280]( - Fix incorrect `Parameter` range for `*args` and `**kwargs` ([#&#8203;10283]( - Treat `typing.Annotated` subscripts as type definitions ([#&#8203;10285]( ### [`v0.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Preview features - \[`pycodestyle`] Fix E301 not triggering on decorated methods. ([#&#8203;10117]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Respect `isort` settings in blank line rules (`E3*`) ([#&#8203;10096]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Make blank lines in typing stub files optional (`E3*`) ([#&#8203;10098]( - \[`pylint`] Implement `singledispatch-method` (`E1519`) ([#&#8203;10140]( - \[`pylint`] Implement `useless-exception-statement` (`W0133`) ([#&#8203;10176]( ##### Rule changes - \[`flake8-debugger`] Check for use of `debugpy` and `ptvsd` debug modules ([#&#8203;10177]( ([#&#8203;10194]( - \[`pyupgrade`] Generate diagnostic for all valid f-string conversions regardless of line length (`UP032`) ([#&#8203;10238]( - \[`pep8_naming`] Add fixes for `N804` and `N805` ([#&#8203;10215]( ##### CLI - Colorize the output of `ruff format --diff` ([#&#8203;10110]( - Make `--config` and `--isolated` global flags ([#&#8203;10150]( - Correctly expand tildes and environment variables in paths passed to `--config` ([#&#8203;10219]( ##### Configuration - Accept a PEP 440 version specifier for `required-version` ([#&#8203;10216]( - Implement isort's `default-section` setting ([#&#8203;10149]( ##### Bug fixes - Remove trailing space from `CapWords` message ([#&#8203;10220]( - Respect external codes in file-level exemptions ([#&#8203;10203]( - \[`flake8-raise`] Avoid false-positives for parens-on-raise with `future.exception()` (`RSE102`) ([#&#8203;10206]( - \[`pylint`] Add fix for unary expressions in `PLC2801` ([#&#8203;9587]( - \[`ruff`] Fix RUF028 not allowing `# fmt: skip` on match cases ([#&#8203;10178]( ### [`v0.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( This release introduces the new Ruff formatter 2024.2 style and adds a new lint rule to detect invalid formatter suppression comments. ##### Preview features - \[`flake8-bandit`] Remove suspicious-lxml-import (`S410`) ([#&#8203;10154]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Allow `os.environ` modifications between imports (`E402`) ([#&#8203;10066]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Don't warn about a single whitespace character before a comma in a tuple (`E203`) ([#&#8203;10094]( ##### Rule changes - \[`eradicate`] Detect commented out `case` statements (`ERA001`) ([#&#8203;10055]( - \[`eradicate`] Detect single-line code for `try:`, `except:`, etc. (`ERA001`) ([#&#8203;10057]( - \[`flake8-boolean-trap`] Allow boolean positionals in `__post_init__` ([#&#8203;10027]( - \[`flake8-copyright`] Allow © in copyright notices ([#&#8203;10065]( - \[`isort`]: Use one blank line after imports in typing stub files ([#&#8203;9971]( - \[`pylint`] New Rule `dict-iter-missing-items` (`PLE1141`) ([#&#8203;9845]( - \[`pylint`] Ignore `sys.version` and `sys.platform` (`PLR1714`) ([#&#8203;10054]( - \[`pyupgrade`] Detect literals with unary operators (`UP018`) ([#&#8203;10060]( - \[`ruff`] Expand rule for `list(iterable).pop(0)` idiom (`RUF015`) ([#&#8203;10148]( ##### Formatter This release introduces the Ruff 2024.2 style, stabilizing the following changes: - Prefer splitting the assignment's value over the target or type annotation ([#&#8203;8943]( - Remove blank lines before class docstrings ([#&#8203;9154]( - Wrap multiple context managers in `with` parentheses when targeting Python 3.9 or newer ([#&#8203;9222]( - Add a blank line after nested classes with a dummy body (`...`) in typing stub files ([#&#8203;9155]( - Reduce vertical spacing for classes and functions with a dummy (`...`) body ([#&#8203;7440](, [#&#8203;9240]( - Add a blank line after the module docstring ([#&#8203;8283]( - Parenthesize long type hints in assignments ([#&#8203;9210]( - Preserve indent for single multiline-string call-expressions ([#&#8203;9673]( - Normalize hex escape and unicode escape sequences ([#&#8203;9280]( - Format module docstrings ([#&#8203;9725]( ##### CLI - Explicitly disallow `extend` as part of a `--config` flag ([#&#8203;10135]( - Remove `build` from the default exclusion list ([#&#8203;10093]( - Deprecate `ruff <path>`, `ruff --explain`, `ruff --clean`, and `ruff --generate-shell-completion` in favor of `ruff check <path>`, `ruff rule`, `ruff clean`, and `ruff generate-shell-completion` ([#&#8203;10169]( - Remove the deprecated CLI option `--format` from `ruff rule` and `ruff linter` ([#&#8203;10170]( ##### Bug fixes - \[`flake8-bugbear`] Avoid adding default initializers to stubs (`B006`) ([#&#8203;10152]( - \[`flake8-type-checking`] Respect runtime-required decorators for function signatures ([#&#8203;10091]( - \[`pycodestyle`] Mark fixes overlapping with a multiline string as unsafe (`W293`) ([#&#8203;10049]( - \[`pydocstyle`] Trim whitespace when removing blank lines after section (`D413`) ([#&#8203;10162]( - \[`pylint`] Delete entire statement, including semicolons (`PLR0203`) ([#&#8203;10074]( - \[`ruff`] Avoid f-string false positives in `gettext` calls (`RUF027`) ([#&#8203;10118]( - Fix `ruff` crashing on PowerPC systems because of too small page size ([#&#8203;10080]( ##### Performance - Add cold attribute to less likely printer queue branches in the formatter ([#&#8203;10121]( - Skip unnecessary string normalization in the formatter ([#&#8203;10116]( ##### Documentation - Remove "Beta" Label from formatter documentation ([#&#8203;10144]( - `line-length` option: fix link to `pycodestyle.max-line-length` ([#&#8203;10136]( </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot]( <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzNy4yMTguMCIsInVwZGF0ZWRJblZlciI6IjM3LjQxNy4xIiwidGFyZ2V0QnJhbmNoIjoibWFpbiJ9-->
renovate-bot added the
label 2024-02-29 20:17:42 +01:00
renovate-bot added 1 commit 2024-02-29 20:17:43 +01:00
build and publish / update-changelog (pull_request) Successful in 6s Details
build and publish / release-pypackage (pull_request) Successful in 32s Details
check code / check-code (pull_request) Successful in 30s Details
Update dependency ruff to v0.3.0
renovate-bot changed title from Update dependency ruff to v0.3.0 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.3.0 2024-03-04 20:16:45 +01:00
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.3.0 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.3.1 2024-03-07 08:18:56 +01:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from d67eae2a43 to 4050537f17 2024-03-07 08:18:57 +01:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.3.1 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.3.2 2024-03-09 08:16:42 +01:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from 4050537f17 to 00b1b49ecb 2024-03-09 08:16:44 +01:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.3.2 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.3.3 2024-03-15 20:14:42 +01:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from 00b1b49ecb to f774ac87c9 2024-03-15 20:14:43 +01:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.3.3 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.3.4 2024-03-22 08:16:58 +01:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from f774ac87c9 to 08b10a14ff 2024-03-22 08:17:00 +01:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.3.4 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.3.5 2024-04-01 20:14:53 +02:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from 08b10a14ff to 03cb53ce3d 2024-04-01 20:14:54 +02:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.3.5 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.3.6 2024-04-11 20:15:35 +02:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from 03cb53ce3d to a7bb7be806 2024-04-11 20:15:37 +02:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.3.6 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.3.7 2024-04-12 08:17:58 +02:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from a7bb7be806 to cd672708ee 2024-04-12 08:17:59 +02:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.3.7 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.0 2024-04-19 08:17:41 +02:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from cd672708ee to 31d3ee84ae 2024-04-19 08:17:43 +02:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.0 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.1 2024-04-19 20:15:09 +02:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from 31d3ee84ae to 74f905aa04 2024-04-19 20:15:10 +02:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.1 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.2 2024-04-25 20:15:29 +02:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from 74f905aa04 to b20a6e51af 2024-04-25 20:15:31 +02:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.2 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.3 2024-05-04 08:18:21 +02:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from b20a6e51af to cacc43f27d 2024-05-04 08:18:24 +02:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.3 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.4 2024-05-09 20:16:12 +02:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from cacc43f27d to 91b47c5278 2024-05-09 20:16:13 +02:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.4 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.5 2024-05-23 08:18:41 +02:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from 91b47c5278 to 320aa99823 2024-05-23 08:18:44 +02:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.5 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.6 2024-05-29 08:20:44 +02:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from 320aa99823 to a3064f852f 2024-05-29 08:20:45 +02:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.6 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.7 2024-06-01 08:19:57 +02:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from a3064f852f to 241b637db2 2024-06-01 08:19:59 +02:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.7 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.8 2024-06-05 20:17:09 +02:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from 241b637db2 to 8a72fb13d1 2024-06-05 20:17:11 +02:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.8 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.9 2024-06-14 20:16:05 +02:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from 8a72fb13d1 to 30c17db25d 2024-06-14 20:16:07 +02:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.9 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.10 2024-06-20 20:16:41 +02:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from 30c17db25d to 384f1c0a41 2024-06-20 20:16:42 +02:00 Compare
renovate-bot changed title from chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.4.10 to chore(deps): update dependency ruff to v0.5.0 2024-06-27 20:17:44 +02:00
renovate-bot force-pushed renovate/ruff-0.x from 384f1c0a41 to 5e7cd1da6f 2024-06-27 20:17:46 +02:00 Compare
Some checks failed
build and publish / release-pypackage (pull_request) Failing after 14m32s
build and publish / update-changelog (pull_request) Failing after 13m56s
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git merge --no-ff renovate/ruff-0.x
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