
177 lines
6.2 KiB

import re
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, List
from zipfile import ZipFile
import pytz
from loguru import logger as log
# create an archive of the chapter images
def make_archive(chapter_path: Path, file_format: str) -> None:
zip_path = Path(f"{chapter_path}.zip")
# create zip
with ZipFile(zip_path, "w") as zipfile:
for file in chapter_path.iterdir():
# rename zip to file format requested
except Exception as exc:
log.error(f"Can't create '{file_format}' archive")
raise exc
def make_pdf(chapter_path: Path) -> None:
import img2pdf # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
except Exception as exc:
log.error("Cant import img2pdf. Please install it first")
raise exc
pdf_path = Path(f"{chapter_path}.pdf")
images: List[str] = []
for file in chapter_path.iterdir():
except Exception as exc:
log.error("Can't create '.pdf' archive")
raise exc
# create a list of chapters
def get_chapter_list(chapters: str, available_chapters: List[str]) -> List[str]:
# check if there are available chapter
chapter_list: List[str] = []
for chapter in chapters.split(","):
# check if chapter list is with volumes and ranges (forcevol)
if "-" in chapter and ":" in chapter:
# split chapters and volumes apart for list generation
lower_num_fv: List[str] = chapter.split("-")[0].split(":")
upper_num_fv: List[str] = chapter.split("-")[1].split(":")
vol_fv: str = lower_num_fv[0]
chap_beg_fv: int = int(lower_num_fv[1])
chap_end_fv: int = int(upper_num_fv[1])
# generate range inbetween start and end --> 1:1-1:3 == 1:1,1:2,1:3
for chap in range(chap_beg_fv, chap_end_fv + 1):
# no volumes, just chapter ranges
elif "-" in chapter:
lower_num: int = int(chapter.split("-")[0])
upper_num: int = int(chapter.split("-")[1])
# generate range inbetween start and end --> 1-3 == 1,2,3
for chap in range(lower_num, upper_num + 1):
# check if full volume should be downloaded
elif ":" in chapter:
vol_num: str = chapter.split(":")[0]
chap_num: str = chapter.split(":")[1]
# select all chapters from the volume --> 1: == 1:1,1:2,1:3...
if vol_num and not chap_num:
regex: Any = re.compile(f"{vol_num}:[0-9]{{1,4}}")
vol_list: List[str] = [n for n in available_chapters if regex.match(n)]
# single chapters without a range given
return chapter_list
# remove illegal characters etc
def fix_name(filename: str) -> str:
filename = filename.encode(encoding="utf8", errors="ignore").decode(encoding="utf8")
# remove illegal characters
filename = re.sub(r'[/\\<>:;|?*!@"]', "", filename)
# remove multiple dots
filename = re.sub(r"([.]{2,})", ".", filename)
# remove dot(s) at the beginning and end of the filename
filename = re.sub(r"(^[.]+)|([.]+$)", "", filename)
# remove trailing and beginning spaces
filename = re.sub("([ \t]+$)|(^[ \t]+)", "", filename)
log.debug(f"Input name='{filename}', Output name='{filename}'")
return filename
# create name for chapter
def get_filename(
manga_title: str,
chapter_name: str,
chapter_vol: str,
chapter_num: str,
forcevol: bool,
name_format: str,
name_format_none: str,
) -> str:
# try to apply the custom format
if name_format != "{default}":
log.debug(f"Using custom name format: '{name_format}'")
filename = name_format.format(
manga_title=manga_title or name_format_none,
chapter_name=chapter_name or name_format_none,
chapter_vol=chapter_vol or name_format_none,
chapter_num=chapter_num or name_format_none,
except Exception:
log.warning("File format is not valid. Falling back to default")
return filename
# set vol to 0 if none found
chapter_vol = chapter_vol or "0"
# use default format
log.debug("Using default name format")
# if chapter is a oneshot
if not chapter_num or "oneshot" in [chapter_name.lower(), chapter_num.lower()]:
return "Oneshot"
# if the chapter has no name
if not chapter_name and forcevol:
return f"Vol. {chapter_vol} Ch. {chapter_num}"
if not chapter_name:
return f"Ch. {chapter_num}"
# if the chapter has a name
# return with volume if option is set, else just the chapter num and name
if forcevol:
return f"Vol. {chapter_vol} Ch. {chapter_num} - {chapter_name}"
return f"Ch. {chapter_num} - {chapter_name}"
def get_file_format(file_format: str) -> str:
if not file_format:
return ""
if re.match(r"\.?[a-z0-9]+", file_format, flags=re.I):
if file_format[0] != ".":
file_format = f".{file_format}"
log.error(f"Invalid file format: '{file_format}'")
raise ValueError
return file_format
def progress_bar(progress: float, total: float) -> None:
time ="Europe/Zurich")).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
percent = int(progress / (int(total) / 100))
bar_length = 50
bar_progress = int(progress / (int(total) / bar_length))
bar_texture = "" * bar_progress
whitespace_texture = " " * (bar_length - bar_progress)
if progress == total:
full_bar = "" * bar_length
print(f"\r{time}{' '*6}| [BAR ] ❙{full_bar}❙ 100%", end="\n") # noqa
print( # noqa
f"\r{time}{' '*6}| [BAR ] ❙{bar_texture}{whitespace_texture}{percent}%",