import re import shutil from pathlib import Path import mangadlp.downloader as downloader import mangadlp.utils as utils # supported api's from mangadlp.api.mangadex import Mangadex class AppArguments: def __init__(self, args: dict): # init parameters self.api = args["api"] self.url_uuid = args["url_uuid"] self.language = args["language"] self.chapters = args["chapters"] self.readlist = args["readlist"] self.list_chapters = args["list_chapters"] self.file_format = args["file_format"] self.forcevol = args["forcevol"] self.download_path = args["download_path"] self.download_wait = args["download_wait"] self.verbose = args["verbose"] # additional stuff # set manga format suffix if self.file_format and "." not in self.file_format: self.file_format = f".{self.file_format}" def main( url_uuid: str = "", language: str = "en", chapters: str = None, readlist: str = "", list_chapters: bool = False, file_format: str = "cbz", forcevol: bool = False, download_path: str = "downloads", download_wait: float = 0.5, verbose: bool = False, ) -> None: """Download Mangas from supported sites :param url_uuid: URL or UUID of the manga :param language: Manga language with country codes. "en" --> english :param chapters: Chapters to download, "all" for every chapter available :param readlist: Path of file with manga links to download. One per line :param list_chapters: List all available chapters and exit :param file_format: Archive format to create. An empty string means don't archive the folder :param forcevol: Force naming of volumes. Useful for mangas where chapters reset each volume :param download_path: Download path. Defaults to '/downloads' :param download_wait: Time to wait for each picture to download in seconds :param verbose: If verbose logging is enabled :return: Nothing. Just the files """ # prechecks userinput/options if not list_chapters and chapters is None: # no chapters to download were given print( f'ERR: You need to specify one or more chapters to download. To see all chapters use "--list"' ) exit(1) # no url and no readin list given if not url_uuid and not readlist: print( f'ERR: You need to specify a manga url/uuid with "-u" or a list with "--read"' ) exit(1) # url and readin list given if url_uuid and readlist: print(f'ERR: You can only use "-u" or "--read". Dont specify both') exit(1) # if forcevol is used, but didn't specify a volume in the chapters selected if forcevol and ":" not in chapters: print(f"ERR: You need to specify the volume if you use --forcevol.") exit(1) # create arguments dict for class creation mdlp_args = { "url_uuid": url_uuid, "language": language, "chapters": chapters, "readlist": readlist, "list_chapters": list_chapters, "file_format": file_format, "forcevol": forcevol, "download_path": download_path, "download_wait": download_wait, "verbose": verbose, } # check if readin file was specified if readlist: # loop trough every link in readin file for url in readin_list(readlist): api_used = check_api(url) if not api_used: print(f"ERR: No API matched for: {url}. Skipping") continue # add api used to dict mdlp_args["api"] = api_used # add url to dict mdlp_args["url_uuid"] = url # create class args = AppArguments(mdlp_args) # get manga get_manga(args) else: # single manga api_used = check_api(url_uuid) if not api_used: print(f"ERR: No API matched for: {url_uuid}. Skipping") exit(1) # add api used to dict mdlp_args["api"] = api_used # create class args = AppArguments(mdlp_args) # get manga get_manga(args) # read in the list of links from a file def readin_list(manga_readlist): url_file = Path(manga_readlist) url_list = [] with"r") as file: for line in file: url_list.append(line.rstrip()) return url_list # check the api which needs to be used def check_api(manga_url): # apis to check api_mangadex = re.compile("") api_mangadex2 = re.compile( "[a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12}" ) api_test = re.compile("test.test") # check url for match if or return Mangadex # this is only for testing multiple apis if print("Not supported yet") exit(1) # no supported api found print(f"ERR: No supported api in link/uuid found: {manga_url}") return False # main function to get the chapters def get_manga(args: AppArguments) -> None: # show api used if args.verbose: print(f"INFO: API used: {args.api}") # init api api = args.api(args.url_uuid, args.language, args.forcevol, args.verbose) # get manga title and uuid manga_uuid = api.manga_uuid manga_title = api.manga_title # get chapter list manga_chapter_list = api.chapter_list # create empty skipped chapters list skipped_chapters = [] # show infos print_divider = "=========================================" print(f"\n{print_divider}") print(f"INFO: Manga Name: {manga_title}") print(f"INFO: Manga UUID: {manga_uuid}") print(f"INFO: Total chapters: {len(manga_chapter_list)}") # list chapters if list_chapters is true if args.list_chapters: print(f"INFO: Available Chapters:\n{', '.join(manga_chapter_list)}") print(f"{print_divider}\n") return # check chapters to download if not all if args.chapters.lower() == "all": chapters_to_download = manga_chapter_list else: chapters_to_download = utils.get_chapter_list(args.chapters) # show chapters to download print(f"INFO: Chapters selected:\n{', '.join(chapters_to_download)}") print(f"{print_divider}\n") # create manga folder manga_path = Path(f"{args.download_path}/{manga_title}") manga_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # main download loop for chapter in chapters_to_download: # get chapter infos chapter_infos = api.get_chapter_infos(chapter) # get image urls for chapter try: chapter_image_urls = api.get_chapter_images(chapter, args.download_wait) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("ERR: Stopping") exit(1) # check if the image urls are empty. if yes skip this chapter (for mass downloads) if not chapter_image_urls: print( f"ERR: No images: Skipping Vol. {chapter_infos['volume']} Ch.{chapter_infos['chapter']}" ) # add to skipped chapters list skipped_chapters.append( f"{chapter_infos['volume']}:{chapter_infos['chapter']}" ) if args.forcevol else skipped_chapters.append(chapter_infos["chapter"]) continue # get filename for chapter (without suffix) chapter_filename = utils.get_filename( chapter_infos["name"], chapter_infos["volume"], chapter, args.forcevol ) # set download path for chapter (image folder) chapter_path = manga_path / chapter_filename # set archive path with file format chapter_archive_path = Path(f"{chapter_path}{args.file_format}") # check if chapter already exists # check for folder if file format is an empty string if chapter_archive_path.exists(): print(f"INFO: '{chapter_archive_path}' already exists. Skipping\n") continue # create chapter folder (skips it if it already exists) chapter_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # verbose log if args.verbose: print(f"INFO: Chapter UUID: {chapter_infos['uuid']}") print(f"INFO: Filename: '{}'\n") print(f"INFO: File path: '{chapter_archive_path}'\n") print(f"INFO: Image URLS:\n{chapter_image_urls}\n") # log print(f"INFO: Downloading: '{chapter_filename}'") # download images try: downloader.download_chapter( chapter_image_urls, chapter_path, args.download_wait, args.verbose ) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("ERR: Stopping") exit(1) except: print(f"ERR: Cant download: '{chapter_filename}'. Skipping") # add to skipped chapters list skipped_chapters.append( f"{chapter_infos['volume']}:{chapter_infos['chapter']}" ) if args.forcevol else skipped_chapters.append(chapter_infos["chapter"]) continue else: # Done with chapter print(f"INFO: Successfully downloaded: '{chapter_filename}'") # create archive for chapter if args.file_format: print(f"INFO: Creating '{args.file_format}' archive") try: # check if image folder is existing if not chapter_path.exists(): print(f"ERR: Image folder: {chapter_path} does not exist") raise IOError if args.file_format == ".pdf": utils.make_pdf(chapter_path) else: utils.make_archive(chapter_path, args.file_format) except: print(f"ERR: Archive error. Skipping chapter") skipped_chapters.append( f"{chapter_infos['volume']}:{chapter_infos['chapter']}" ) if args.forcevol else skipped_chapters.append( chapter_infos["chapter"] ) continue else: # remove image folder shutil.rmtree(chapter_path) # done with chapter print("INFO: Done with chapter") print("-----------------------------------------\n") # done with manga print(f"{print_divider}") print(f"INFO: Done with manga: {manga_title}") if len(skipped_chapters) >= 1: print(f"INFO: Skipped chapters:\n{', '.join(skipped_chapters)}") print(f"{print_divider}\n")