#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash # shellcheck shell=bash # source env variables source /etc/cont-init.d/20-setenv.sh # check schedule [[ -f "/app/schedules/daily.sh" ]] && DAILY_SH_FOUND=true [[ -f "/app/schedules/daily" ]] && DAILY_FOUND=true # check crontab if grep -q -e "/app/schedules/daily.sh\s" /etc/cron.d/mangadlp; then CRON_SH_FOUND=true elif grep -q -e "/app/schedules/daily\s" /etc/cron.d/mangadlp; then CRON_FOUND=true fi # fix new .sh schedule if its not synced with the crontab if [[ "${CRON_SH_FOUND}" == "true" ]] && [[ "${DAILY_SH_FOUND}" != "true" ]]; then echo "Fixing new .sh schedule" echo "Adding symlink to daily.sh" if ! ln -s /app/schedule/daily /app/schedule/daily.sh; then echo "Cant fix schedule. Maybe the file is missing." fi elif [[ "${CRON_FOUND}" == "true" ]] && [[ "${DAILY_FOUND}" != "true" ]]; then echo "Fixing new .sh schedule" echo "Adding symlink to daily" if ! ln -s /app/schedule/daily.sh /app/schedule/daily; then echo "Cant fix schedule. Maybe the file is missing." fi fi