import re from pathlib import Path from zipfile import ZipFile # create an archive of the chapter images def make_archive(chapter_path: Path, file_format: str) -> None: zip_path = Path(f"{chapter_path}.zip") try: # create zip with ZipFile(zip_path, "w") as zipfile: for file in chapter_path.iterdir(): zipfile.write(file, # rename zip to file format requested zip_path.rename(zip_path.with_suffix(file_format)) except: raise IOError def make_pdf(chapter_path: Path) -> None: try: import img2pdf except: print("Cant import img2pdf. Please install it first") raise ImportError pdf_path = Path(f"{chapter_path}.pdf") images = [] for file in chapter_path.iterdir(): images.append(str(file)) try: pdf_path.write_bytes(img2pdf.convert(images)) except: print("ERR: Can't create '.pdf' archive") raise IOError # create a list of chapters def get_chapter_list(chapters: str, available_chapters: list = None) -> list: chapter_list = [] for chapter in chapters.split(","): # check if chapter list is with volumes and ranges if "-" in chapter and ":" in chapter: # split chapters and volumes apart for list generation lower_num = chapter.split("-")[0].split(":") upper_num = chapter.split("-")[1].split(":") vol = lower_num[0] chap_beg = int(lower_num[1]) chap_end = int(upper_num[1]) # generate range inbetween start and end --> 1:1-1:3 == 1:1,1:2,1:3 for chap in range(chap_beg, chap_end + 1): chapter_list.append(str(f"{vol}:{chap}")) # no volumes, just chapter ranges elif "-" in chapter: lower_num = int(chapter.split("-")[0]) upper_num = int(chapter.split("-")[1]) # generate range inbetween start and end --> 1-3 == 1,2,3 for chap in range(lower_num, upper_num + 1): chapter_list.append(str(chap)) # check if full volume should be downloaded elif ":" in chapter: vol = chapter.split(":")[0] chap = chapter.split(":")[1] # select all chapters from the volume --> 1: == 1:1,1:2,1:3... if vol and not chap: regex = re.compile(f"{vol}:[0-9]{{1,4}}") vol_list = [n for n in available_chapters if regex.match(n)] chapter_list.extend(vol_list) else: chapter_list.append(chapter) # single chapters without a range given else: chapter_list.append(chapter) return chapter_list # remove illegal characters etc def fix_name(filename: str) -> str: # remove illegal characters filename = re.sub(r'[/\\<>:;|?*!@"]', "", filename) # remove multiple dots filename = re.sub(r"([.]{2,})", ".", filename) # remove dot(s) at the beginning and end of the filename filename = re.sub(r"(^[.]+)|([.]+$)", "", filename) # remove trailing and beginning spaces filename = re.sub("([ \t]+$)|(^[ \t]+)", "", filename) return filename # create name for chapter def get_filename( chapter_name: str, chapter_vol: str, chapter_num: str, forcevol: bool ) -> str: # if chapter is a oneshot if chapter_name == "Oneshot" or chapter_num == "Oneshot": return "Oneshot" # if the chapter has no name if not chapter_name: return ( f"Vol. {chapter_vol} Ch. {chapter_num}" if forcevol else f"Ch. {chapter_num}" ) # if the chapter has a name # return with volume if option is set, else just the chapter num and name return ( f"Vol. {chapter_vol} Ch. {chapter_num} - {chapter_name}" if forcevol else f"Ch. {chapter_num} - {chapter_name}" ) def progress_bar(progress: float, total: float) -> None: percent = int(progress / (int(total) / 100)) bar_length = 50 bar_progress = int(progress / (int(total) / bar_length)) bar_texture = "■" * bar_progress whitespace_texture = " " * (bar_length - bar_progress) if progress == total: full_bar = "■" * bar_length print(f"\r❙{full_bar}❙ 100%", end="\n") else: print(f"\r❙{bar_texture}{whitespace_texture}❙ {percent}%", end="\r")