import pdb import requests import re import json import html api_url = '' def get_manga_uuid(manga_url): # isolate id from url md_id_regex = re.compile('[a-z0-9]{8}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{4}-[a-z0-9]{12}') # check for new mangadex id if uuid =[0] else: print('No valid id found') exit(1) # check if the manga exists try: req = requests.get(f'{api_url}/manga/{uuid}') except: print('Error. Maybe the MangaDex API is down?') exit(1) else: # check mangadex status response = req.json()['result'] if response == 'ok': return uuid else: print('Manga not found') exit(1) def get_manga_title(uuid, lang): req = requests.get(f'{api_url}/manga/{uuid}') api_resp = req.json() try: title = api_resp['data']['attributes']['title'][lang] except: # search in alt titles try: alt_titles = {} for val in api_resp['data']['attributes']['altTitles']: alt_titles.update(val) title = alt_titles[lang] except: # no title on requested language found print('Chapter in requested language not found.') exit(1) return title def get_manga_chapters(uuid, lang): content_ratings = 'contentRating[]=safe&contentRating[]=suggestive&contentRating[]=erotica&contentRating[]=pornographic' chap_data_list = [] req = requests.get(f'{api_url}/manga/{uuid}/feed?limit=0&translatedLanguage[]={lang}&{content_ratings}') try: total = req.json()['total'] print(total) except: print('Error retrieving the chapters list. Did you specify a valid language code?') exit(1) if total == 0: print('No chapters available to download!') exit(0) offset = 0 while offset < total: # if more than 500 chapters! req = requests.get(f'{api_url}/manga/{uuid}/feed?order[chapter]=asc&order[volume]=asc&limit=500&translatedLanguage[]={lang}&offset={offset}&{content_ratings}') for chapter in req.json()['data']: chap_num = chapter['attributes']['chapter'] chap_uuid = chapter['id'] chap_hash = chapter['attributes']['hash'] chap_data = chapter['attributes']['data'] # chapter name, change illegal file names chap_name = chapter['attributes']['title'] if not chap_name == None: chap_name = re.sub('[/<>:"\\|?*!.]', '', chap_name) # check if the chapter is external (cant download them) chap_external = chapter['attributes']['externalUrl'] # name chapter "oneshot" if there is no chapter number if chap_external == None and chap_num == None: chap_data_list.append(['Oneshot', chap_uuid, chap_hash, chap_name, chap_data]) # else add chapter number elif chap_external == None: chap_data_list.append([chap_num, chap_uuid, chap_hash, chap_name, chap_data]) offset += 500 #chap_list.sort() # sort numerically by chapter # return chap_data_list