import argparse import sys from pathlib import Path import as app import mangadlp.logger as logger from mangadlp.logger import Logger # prepare logger log = Logger(__name__) MDLP_VERSION = "2.1.11" def check_args(args): # set logger formatting logger.format_logger(args.verbosity) # check if --version was used if args.version: print(f"manga-dlp version: {MDLP_VERSION}") sys.exit(0) # check if a readin list was provided if not # single manga, no readin list call_app(args) else: # multiple mangas url_list = readin_list( for url in url_list: args.url_uuid = url call_app(args) # read in the list of links from a file def readin_list(readlist: str) -> list: list_file = Path(readlist) log.verbose(f"Reading in list '{str(list_file)}'") try: url_str = list_file.read_text() url_list = url_str.splitlines() except Exception: raise IOError # filter empty lines and remove them filtered_list = list(filter(len, url_list)) log.verbose(f"Mangas from list: {filtered_list}") return filtered_list def call_app(args): # call main function with all input arguments mdlp = app.MangaDLP( args.url_uuid, args.lang, args.chapters, args.list, args.format, args.forcevol, args.path, args.wait, ) mdlp.get_manga() def get_input(): print(f"manga-dlp version: {MDLP_VERSION}") print("Enter details of the manga you want to download:") while True: try: url_uuid = str(input("Url or UUID: ")) readlist = str(input("List with links (optional): ")) language = str(input("Language: ")) or "en" list_chapters = str(input("List chapters? y/N: ")) if list_chapters.lower() in {"y", "yes"}: chapters = str(input("Chapters: ")) except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1) except Exception: continue else: break args = [ "-l", language, "-c", chapters, ] if url_uuid: args.extend(("-u", url_uuid)) if readlist: args.extend(("--read", readlist)) if list_chapters.lower() in {"y", "yes"}: args.append("--list") # start script again with the arguments sys.argv.extend(args)"Args: {sys.argv}") get_args() def get_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Script to download mangas from various sites" ) action = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) verbosity = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) action.add_argument( "-u", "--url", "--uuid", dest="url_uuid", required=False, help="URL or UUID of the manga", action="store", ) action.add_argument( "--read", dest="read", required=False, help="Path of file with manga links to download. One per line", action="store", ) action.add_argument( "-v", "--version", dest="version", required=False, help="Show version of manga-dlp and exit", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--chapters", dest="chapters", required=False, help="Chapters to download", action="store", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--path", dest="path", required=False, help='Download path. Defaults to "/downloads"', action="store", default="downloads", ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--language", dest="lang", required=False, help='Manga language. Defaults to "en" --> english', action="store", default="en", ) parser.add_argument( "--list", dest="list", required=False, help="List all available chapters. Defaults to false", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--format", dest="format", required=False, help="Archive format to create. An empty string means dont archive the folder. Defaults to 'cbz'", action="store", default="cbz", ) parser.add_argument( "--forcevol", dest="forcevol", required=False, help="Force naming of volumes. For mangas where chapters reset each volume", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--wait", dest="wait", required=False, type=float, default=0.5, help="Time to wait for each picture to download in seconds(float). Defaults 0.5", ) verbosity.add_argument( "--lean", dest="verbosity", required=False, help="Lean logging. Minimal log output. Defaults to false", action="store_const", const=25, default=20, ) verbosity.add_argument( "--verbose", dest="verbosity", required=False, help="Verbose logging. More log output. Defaults to false", action="store_const", const=15, default=20, ) verbosity.add_argument( "--debug", dest="verbosity", required=False, help="Debug logging. Most log output. Defaults to false", action="store_const", const=10, default=20, ) # parser.print_help() args = parser.parse_args() check_args(args) def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: get_args() else: get_input() if __name__ == "__main__": main()