from pathlib import Path from time import sleep import shutil import requests import mangadlp.utils as utils # download images def download_chapter(image_urls, chapter_path, download_wait, verbose): total_img = len(image_urls) for img_num, img in enumerate(image_urls, 1): # set image path image_path = Path(f"{chapter_path}/{img_num:03d}") # show progress bar utils.progress_bar(img_num, total_img, verbose) counter = 1 while counter <= 3: try: r = requests.get(img, stream=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("ERR: Stopping") exit(1) except: if counter >= 3: print("ERR: Maybe the MangaDex Servers are down?") raise ConnectionError print(f"ERR: Request for image {img} failed, retrying") sleep(download_wait) counter += 1 else: if r.status_code != 200: print(f"ERR: Image {img} could not be downloaded. Retrying") continue break # verbose logging if verbose: print(f"INFO: Downloaded image {img_num}") # write image try: with"wb") as file: r.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, file) except: print("ERR: Can't write file") raise IOError img_num += 1 sleep(download_wait) # if every image was downloaded and written successfully return True